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Strange menu on screen. I can't close it.

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My problem is this, after opening a save this box appears on my screen, I don't know how to close it and i've rebound all the sexlab commands to my keypad, but nothing there seems to work. I dont even know what mod it's from, I assume Defeat but i just can't get rid of this damn box


I realise this should be an easy fix but it's my first time /using/ sexlab and i don't know enough to turn it off.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: It disappeared when I loaded a new save but I still think it would be nice to know how to shut it off in case it were to happen again


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My problem is this, after opening a save this box appears on my screen, I don't know how to close it and i've rebound all the sexlab commands to my keypad, but nothing there seems to work. I dont even know what mod it's from, I assume Defeat but i just can't get rid of this damn box


I realise this should be an easy fix but it's my first time /using/ sexlab and i don't know enough to turn it off.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: It disappeared when I loaded a new save but I still think it would be nice to know how to shut it off in case it were to happen again


It's caused by the latest version of Beeing Female. From memory you can fix it from one of the .ini files but as I use an old version of BF I can't remember the fix. If you ask in the Beeing Female support thread someone will be able to give you exact details of how to fix it http://www.loverslab.com/topic/35269-beeingfemale/page-249


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