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Loading screen freeze in Whiterun


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I'm positive that this is caused by either the Supermodel Skyrim or the All Female Guards mod, or a combination of both, as the problem goes away when I deactivate these two mods. When I have either one of these, or both, active, my game will freeze indefinitely on the loading screen if the saved location is already outdoors in Whiterun, or if I'm trying to open a door that leads to Whiterun (such as trying to exit Jorvaskr).

Anyone else experience this? I really like the All Female Guards mod, but this is game-breaking. I have no mods installed that alters Whiterun in any way, and no ENBs. I'm not sure why these two mods are causing a problem, changing the gender and appearance of NPCs can't be that game breaking, since I use a lot of armor replacers as well and they never caused a problem.

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Well, I certainly am no expert, but yea, mods that change npc's can in fact be game breaking. Fiddling with their armor/clothing/weapons is generally less risky than changing genders/races as good old bethesda has managed to break the race mods with almost every single patch so far.


Besides, who knows if those mods contain dirty edits that are causing conflicts. Until more conflict tools come out for Skyrim, I would avoid mods that change the races and genders of large numbers of NPC's. Changing their body/face meshes/textures should be fine.

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