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hello guys .....


so there was a patreon games that i liked a lot and both is a prostitution game one of it is simbro and the other is princess trainer gold edition, so recently 1 year after i finished that games im thinking ,how about making a skyrim brothel mod that feels immersive so you can manage your employee ,offer yourself as prostitute,pay guard,make party etc... kinda like animal mansion and radiant prostitution combined together but better..  i dont know sometimes making my char the only prostitute feels so boring or maybe you guys have that kind of mod already?? i want to learn kreation kit but im bussy with my job sorry just an idea not forcing anybody

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hello guys .....


so there was a patreon games that i liked a lot and both is a prostitution game one of it is simbro and the other is princess trainer gold edition, so recently 1 year after i finished that games im thinking ,how about making a skyrim brothel mod that feels immersive so you can manage your employee ,offer yourself as prostitute,pay guard,make party etc... kinda like animal mansion and radiant prostitution combined together but better..  i dont know sometimes making my char the only prostitute feels so boring or maybe you guys have that kind of mod already?? i want to learn kreation kit but im bussy with my job sorry just an idea not forcing anybody

Try this: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/21973-sexlab-tdf-prostitution-and-pimping-the-former-aggressive-prostitution-v2255/


You can have a stable of whores including whoring yourself out, play as a male or female. Up to three whores per city and with the extension mod you can have 15 more whores working anywhere you want them to work.


You can train each whore up so they make more money per trick and if or when you let them work on their own you can see them in action.

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