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[custom meshes] Connecting points do not connect

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So, im having a really, really, really annoying problem currently.


I made a Cage with an animated Door.

Since i want to be able to lock the door using the ingame mechanics later, i seperated the cage and the door into 2 nifs.

I set up the Cage as a static and the door as an activator ( for testing ).

Now to fit the door properly into the cage i want ( or more i have ) to use the connection point system.


But unfortunatly this shit just isn´t working... it can´t be so hard to put 2 fucking points in the same fucking position and make them snap...


What i´ve done so far :


I added a BSconnectingPoints:Parents block as extra data to the root NiNodes of both nifs.

Both Blocks are called CPA.

I made a single connecting point in both nifs, set WorkShopConnectPoints as parent and P-CageDoor as name on both.

The translations are exactly the same on both (-155 / 60 / 10).

The Rotations are set to 90 and -90 on Z axis, so the flat sides of the markers in NIfscope face each other.

Scale is set to 1.


So what am i missing ?


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Nevermid, i just fucked up stuff...

First the rotations have to be exactly the other way around and most important, the models should not only have collision attached, the collision should work too...

Otherwise the points are just not connecting.


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