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Idea for a game in Unreal 4, but that's not what I'm asking you...


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So before I go into this, I want to clear something up.  I've seen a lot of posts where people say they want to make a game in Unreal 4, get a few responses over a long period of time, and then the thread dies and nothing ever comes of it.  Now, I have an idea for a game, and I'm the type of person who doesn't like to wait around and hope somebody else makes it, and I certainly don't want to beg other teams to make my game.  I would rather take a crack at it myself than wait around.

That being said, I don't know the first thing about making a game from scratch.  I'm under no illusions that it's easy or that I can just "I cant gaem pls halp" my way through the entire process.  Making a game--even in Unreal 4--takes a helluva lot more than just downloading the Unreal 4 Engine and clicking some things.  It requires artists, modelers, coders, scripters, and programmers, and a ton of dedication.  Now, because I want to make this idea a reality, I am willing to learn one of these requirements as thoroughly as possible in order to help.  But the rest would require the work of others who are interested in the project.

Now, this is the part where I ask "I maek gaem pls halp" and hope these artists and modelers just drop everything to jump into this project run by a guy with no knowledge, experience, or credibility.  So I'm not going to do that.

The purpose of this thread is to ask the community, theoretically, what would it take for people to (THEORETICALLY) jump onto a project like this?  What would you need to see first before you--the potential coder, modeler, artist--would be willing to spend time and work FOR FREE on a project like this?  What would be required of a project in terms of structure and progress in order to get people interested in working on one of these things?

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I made a few projects in UE4, for learning. 


You can make much thinks without coding with the "blueprints" in the editor, its pretty easy and there a many tutorials. 

Getting good sounds and animations is more a problem for me. 


Its hard to get a team for a NSFW game, because every one has other fetishes. (I think this is the reason why all bigger games have just the standard stuff...) 




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Its hard to get a team for a NSFW game, because every one has other fetishes. (I think this is the reason why all bigger games have just the standard stuff...)

I was thinking something more like a community project. There are so many great assets and animations out there all across LL, I wonder if you just had a core group that made the skeleton of a game and the community "donated" assets that had already been made for other mods and games, if that would be feasible?


Also I just got to thinking about how its hard to get a team interested in a single project because of the range of tastes and fetishes not all lining up. What if this project was more about making a "framework" of assets, animations, and gameplay systems that were free and open for the community to use. Then if a dedicated team came along with a specific concept, they could "plug and play" those resources into their own game? I don't know enough about UE4 to know if thats possible or not.

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Its hard to get a team for a NSFW game, because every one has other fetishes. (I think this is the reason why all bigger games have just the standard stuff...)

I was thinking something more like a community project. There are so many great assets and animations out there all across LL, I wonder if you just had a core group that made the skeleton of a game and the community "donated" assets that had already been made for other mods and games, if that would be feasible?


Also I just got to thinking about how its hard to get a team interested in a single project because of the range of tastes and fetishes not all lining up. What if this project was more about making a "framework" of assets, animations, and gameplay systems that were free and open for the community to use. Then if a dedicated team came along with a specific concept, they could "plug and play" those resources into their own game? I don't know enough about UE4 to know if thats possible or not.



Problem is monitization of said resources. Anyway as it stands there are a few groups out there right now working on UE4 like onidog of which I am apart of. I'd say join a few discords and see what you can jump into.


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Problem is monitization of said resources.

Monetization? I'm talking about throwing these resources together for free for anyone in the community to use. I wouldn't even want to do a patreon, unless its used to compensate the contributors who choose to "domate" their animations and assets for community use.

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Its hard to get a team for a NSFW game, because every one has other fetishes. (I think this is the reason why all bigger games have just the standard stuff...)

I was thinking something more like a community project. There are so many great assets and animations out there all across LL, I wonder if you just had a core group that made the skeleton of a game and the community "donated" assets that had already been made for other mods and games, if that would be feasible?


Also I just got to thinking about how its hard to get a team interested in a single project because of the range of tastes and fetishes not all lining up. What if this project was more about making a "framework" of assets, animations, and gameplay systems that were free and open for the community to use. Then if a dedicated team came along with a specific concept, they could "plug and play" those resources into their own game? I don't know enough about UE4 to know if thats possible or not.



There are a lot of ... or I'll say unlimited assets on LL


Have a look at the skyrim/fallout pages, all the resources can be ported into unreal4 or Unity3d


problem is the "framework", and most people think Bethesda works best


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