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Using an Animated Object


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I'm not entirely sure how to ask what I want to know, but here goes.


First of all, this would never be for release; it's for my own game play, and -- with luck -- to learn a little about how animations or idles work.


Second, if this or something similar has been asked and answered before, could someone point me to the proper thread?


When my follower has an eating idle (such as from iNeed), he pulls a half-loaf of bread from nowhere, and munches it.  When he's done, the half-loaf goes back to whatever mysterious place it came from.  I want to do something similar, but with a milking machine.  The trouble is, I'm kind of stuck.


If I tell my follower "I need you to do something", he says "What do you need?"  I then Activate a Milking Machine.


He'll get into it, in the correct position -- so apparently I don't need to worry about making an animation (thank goodness) but he doesn't have things like the "Anal probe"  (or maybe Anal Drain? can't recall at the moment), or the Feeder, or the nice elaborate cuff set that locks him into the milker.


How do I have these things show up on him when I put him into the milker -- the way his loaf of bread shows up if he's eating -- and go away when I let him out of the milker?  I know you can't "console add" an animobject, and I don't like consoling anyway because it breaks immersion.


Do I need to attach a script to the instance of the milker I dropped into my AllaHappyCell?  If so, could anyone give an example of that?  My scripting experience to date is limited to allowing the player to "harvest butter" from a bowl of butter activator, and I have a really hard time with papyrus.


Please DON'T recommend that I download a mod that makes a follower do things; if I wanted to do that, there's Mind Control and PuppetMaster.  (Besides, I already have both of them.)  What I want, is help to figure out how to do this MYSELF.  Or at least instructions that say "Do this, then add this, then do that."  Simple is best!  :blink:



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