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3d modeling problem


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Generally it's best model with quads but most (if not all) games use tris in their assets. This conversion happens either at export or runtime.


As a rule, stick with quads to make life easier for yourself, modelling, UV mapping, weighting etc is MUCH easier on a nice clean quad mesh than a mess of triangles.


I have only used Blender and never for Skyrim but the .NIF exporter should take care of triangulating your mesh.


(Try searching Youtube for " {Your 3D appilcation} Skyrim armor/armour tutorial" and you should get a far more educated and satisfactory answer!)

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Quads are just for easier modeling. On some quads you can see the line that divides it into two tris.

In 3dsmax, probably other applications too, you can change how the export will convert to tris:




Personally I try to use just quads, but in some cases I have to use a tri somewhere to fill a gap.

Quads mean less faces while modeling, and I think it looks nicer.


 If you have other questions popping up while modeling, feel free to ask.

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Tris and Quads are all faces. You can even have polygons/faces with 5 or more vertecies. But as said, normally this will be converted to Tris on export to some game ready format.


I have never used blender, but it seems like a selection type.

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There is no quad option as such, you just make faces with 4 vertices.


In Edit mode there's Mesh>Faces>"Tris to Quads" (okay for limited use, will NOT put a triangulated mesh back into its original quads though) and "Triangulate Faces" but for sensitive areas you may prefer the knife tool (K) to split a quad manually or Mesh>Edges>"Rotate Edge CW/CCW" to fix bad triangulation (ugly deformations when rigged/bad shading)

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Thx Levrette, Akzyra, I've got it :)

Generally it's best model with quads but most (if not all) games use tris in their assets. This conversion happens either at export or runtime.


As a rule, stick with quads to make life easier for yourself, modelling, UV mapping, weighting etc is MUCH easier on a nice clean quad mesh than a mess of triangles.


I have only used Blender and never for Skyrim but the .NIF exporter should take care of triangulating your mesh.


(Try searching Youtube for " {Your 3D appilcation} Skyrim armor/armour tutorial" and you should get a far more educated and satisfactory answer!)



Quads are just for easier modeling. On some quads you can see the line that divides it into two tris.

In 3dsmax, probably other applications too, you can change how the export will convert to tris:




Personally I try to use just quads, but in some cases I have to use a tri somewhere to fill a gap.

Quads mean less faces while modeling, and I think it looks nicer.


 If you have other questions popping up while modeling, feel free to ask.


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