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Moved Steam to another drive now mods are broke after fresh install


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Need some info/help

I uninstalled the game and then steam and re-installed steam to D:\ as C:\ was running out of space.


Everything was going fine until I started re-installing mods through nexus (Nexus was pointed to new location and skse was installed again)


First noticed that race menu and the associated patches with it which did work on C now crashed my game as soon as the main menu loaded.

I unistalled this and tried again.


This time fnis wasn't registering after install through nexus until I manually installed it then it worked.

I moved to khairs, apachii, then installed fair skin texture after unp and male textures and loaded game up. I noticed again that when creating a character that they looked off, were in underwear and no hairs were loading in.

Tried race menu again to see if solved and ctd again


Clearly something has gone wrong since moving steam to a non windows drive.

Nexus was showing the mods installed and esps loaded too!


Is this a known issue?

And does anyone know a solution/fix as I would rather not have to move steam to C: again





Yep did that - disabled the unistalled before removing


However NMM is still installed on C drive - Not sure if it needs to be on same drive as Skyrim, even though its pointing to the right location to install mods


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