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How to edit the collision detection of HDT?


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I have a problem with the HDT-animated pussy opening up even during sex animations where there is no schlong collision touching it (like for example anal animations).


Is there a way to fix this by tweaking the collision-detection area in the XML or something?

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Well, thanks for recommending my mod, happy_polla :)


But I'm afraid the vagina will still open on anal animations there, at least on most of them (depends on the body posture, if the schlong won't pass by the vagina too closely then it might be possible to avoid it).

The reason is that the vagina and the butthole are just too close to each other to not trigger collisions if I want the vagina to open wide enough for the schlong not to clip too much on vaginal animations. And there's not much I can do about it, collision detection is a bit crude on HDT PE, the collision boxes will always have to be a bit larger than the dimensions you want for the stretching effects.


There is one thing you can try though, maybe it helps at least for a few animations:

Open the hdtvagina.xml in JFF v4.

Doubleclick the NPC R Pussy02 entry under Rigidbodies.

Click on the field next to "Shape:" under Collisions, for my hdtvagina.xml it would read hkpConvexTransformShape.

Increase the Y translation value by one or two. Click OK and Ok again.

Repeat for NPC L Pussy02.

If you're using another hdtvagina.xml with hkpCapsuleShape instead then increase both Vertex Y values by the same amount.

Save and test ingame.



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