ravensm Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 OLD "saves keep becoming corupted..at least i think they are. it keeps ctding when i try to load a save. when i make a new game..alternative start mod used. i can create my character...a few minutes later and it ctd's. the papyurus log confuses me so here it is. oh and my mod esp/esm load order if you are wondering about my three packs, "Armor and Clothing pack, "SexLab Pack" and "Devious Devices Pack" they are a repack of the addons i have downloaded, none over write each other so i figured they are safe to pile to gether. as for the armor and clothing pack, its sorta the same thing please help, plus, you might also find mods that might not like each other oh one more thing, everything plus my windows 7 is run on an ssd hard drive" NEW ok so not sure if im suppose to create a new topic but here it is. rearranged my mods. still having CTD's right now, all my saves arent loading. maybe you guys can help? Just so everyone knows, im using mod organizer. update new game wont load either Left Hand Mod Tree, up side down.txt Right Hand Mod Tree.txt Papyrus.0.log
Uncle64 Posted December 5, 2016 Posted December 5, 2016 your save is not corrupted until the game actually tells you. You will get one big message box when the game tells you that and when you click it the game will turn off. Back to your issue. First your left side in MO is terrible wrong. You should make it to at-least look like the right side. Think about the left side as the installation order. And that is almost as important as loadorder. You have some smaller mods at wrong places. You should add the patch for HighResTexturePack You have this. 24 18 BeeingFemale.esm Make sure that you have Bane_Masters patch for it. You will find the link to it in the tread for beeing female. I suggest you start by run LOOT. Dont use the one included in MO, use the separate, and make sure that you run it from inside MO. And install Wrye bash so you can make one bashed patch. Check this tread. For more information. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/43043-skyrim-modding-guide/ And no I will not check your papyrus log, no need for that since your issues are in your loadorder and prio order.
ravensm Posted December 5, 2016 Author Posted December 5, 2016 Thanks for the quick reply. I pulled the mods out of my three mod packs. This way I can better figure out in compatibility issues. I'll sort out my mod files to better resemble my mod esp/esm load order. If I have any issues after that, I'll post here again
ravensm Posted December 7, 2016 Author Posted December 7, 2016 hopefully someone can help me with this problem, im typing here to "bump" the post
Nefim Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 It's not always a load order when it comes to CTDs. It very well could be conflicting mods having it out and causing Papyrus overload. I have a similar problem. Everyone say's use loot to sort your load order but bugger all if it doesn't break my game every time. I then have to go and spend a day or two manually fixing it so that my game runs again. So, use loot at your own risk. We have a very similiar load order ..at least when it comes to mods. So it could be one of the mods we have installed doesn't like another, either way, if I find the problem I will post back here. Just an FYI, Maria and Captured Dreams don't play nice together, the mod Author of CD said so.
fizzybutt Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Download THIS follow the tutorials for loading up the borked save in RESAVER. It's a more indepth tool for cleaning saves than script cleaner. (I know it points to SSE, but that's where he's keeping it updated now) See how many strings you have going on those saves. If you weren't using crash fixes before, it'll probably crash because of that. I figured out it was causing problems in my games because of how many SL animations I had and it was eating up all the strings. (Crazy I know) Dunno if that's what's causing your problem, but it couldn't hurt to have this info on hand anyway.
Nefim Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 I too will look in to it as well. So, Starting from scratch I managed to get every mod working while in the Alternate start room. I couldn't do that before. Before, when I loaded all my mods I couldn't load the save, regardless of location. Papyrus always stopped on A Captured dream script just like yours. so I couldn't get any good information. Crash Fixes wouldn't report anything... Had me baffled. I decided to remove the mod captured dreams and now I can at least load a save with all my mods turned on in the alternate start room. I played 5 min in to the game and saved ( 5 min as Erik The Slayer's best friend.... ) Tried to load the save twice.. couldn't. Checked my papyrus log and everything actually looked fine... So, I loaded my alternate Start save and used it to load my Erik the Slayer save and it worked! ... ... I think what I was suffering was either overload from too many mods kicking back errors or, like fizzy said.. too many animations .... I need to figure out how to read Sexlab's animation thing ... is it 500 per type ( human, critter etc) like it implies on the register / clean tab or is it 500 total and there is a soft limit to the categories? Regardless...I am going to look in to the save cleaner you posted Fizzy. now enough about me, on to the OP! Raven, have you tried turning off Captured dreams? At least until you figured out if it is what Fizzy mentioned ? I noticed your papyrus was stopping where mine was. Can't hurt to try.
Nefim Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Making a new post so it doesn't get lost in the one above ... Your new saves wont load? is this happening from the start or a recent development after re-ordering your mods? Every once in a while my new game will crash but thats like one time out of 12 restarts kind of thing.... Did you post your updated load order? Curious to be honest.... Did you use LOOT? You may have to go in and tweak it a bit before it will work again if you did. Specially if you didn't use meta rules ( I for the life of me can't get S.T.E.P.S meta rules to work in LOOT anymore...) Post your updated load orders and stuff for us ^.^ See if we can figure it out. Fizzy : I took a look at that Tool set you linked.... What the heck are we looking for in the saves lol? It loaded fine ...and I have no idea what the rest of it means in the left panel besides a breakdown of what is going on IN the save... Hang in there Raven ... We will get your game working. EDIT: When vampires attack tends to break other mods and ..at least in the past been resource intensive. Keep that in mind.
fizzybutt Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 **snipsnipsnip** I run captured dreams too, so it isn't anything wrong with that mod unless you've got a crazy incompatibility. I'm betting it's a string issue. I always load up everything before I leave the alt start location because I can fine tune it later. I started having a problem after adding in a few more SLAL animations and eager npc's sexlife... you get the picture. It drove me nuts for a week because I could play for hours (so far I've pushed 4-6hrs, I gots a stable game with a 300+ load order merged down into 248 esps!) and on loading a save I would bam, crash, couldn't load a single save with a full plate. Got to thinking and noticed it was only after I set up all my MCM menus that I started having the problem. Got myself down to animations (I always loaded those in first so yeah) I figured out that I would crash on loading a save after so many animations got registered and it wasn't just a particular one. It was in any order I tried it. (2 days of figuring that out, sucked I tell ya) So after much, much deduction and hunting I came across similar issues (FINALLY) and discovered that about January people started to figure it out, from following a couple of different threads, they figured out it wasn't an animation max issue, it wasn't mods that was borking it, but it was how the save file was recording the information. Now, the updated crash fixes expands on how many strings are in a save, but if you start on a save with more than 57k strings, it'll bork before long. I had followed along far enough that I had downloaded just about every bandaid they were attempting and discovered a little bitty patch that works for me along with restringing certain mods with that link I gave. (It's a sticky process because there's a lot you can't restring) It works for me (Marks sexlab string patch) but it doesn't work for my boyfriend who sits right next to me. It completely crashes his mcm menus. I don't know why that is but for me, all my animations now only take up a couple hundred strings rather than 5k and I ran from riften to solitude and only went up 1k strings. Right now running around and doing some quests, I'm hovering just below 55k strings. Which is 10k below the break point. my load order just so you can see how much I'm working with: # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp Wyrmstooth.esp RSkyrimChildren.esm hdtHighHeel.esm EFFCore.esm CreatureFramework.esm RaceCompatibility.esm SexLab.esm Devious Devices - Assets.esm SexLabAroused.esm FoxPalace_X.esm Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm fox_shop.esm ZaZAnimationPack.esm Heretical Resources.esm ZazExtensionPack.esm Devious Devices - Integration.esm daymoyl.esm SexlabInteractiveArousal.esm Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm Devious Devices - Expansion.esm WM Flora Fixes.esp ApachiiHair.esm ApachiiHairFemales.esm ApachiiHairMales.esm RelightingSkyrim-FULL.esp AHZmoreHUD.esp SkyUI.esp LessIntrusiveHUD.esp Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp FISS.esp AMatterOfTime.esp QuieterBards.esp ShootingStars.esp Rainbows.esp Zero Effort Lockpicking.esp When Vampires Attack.esp Customizable Camera.esp CelticMusic.esp Compatibility-Brutish+Refined Argonians.esp The Gemstone Collector.esp LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and BOOZE.esp BeardsBrowsANDStuffs I.esp TestingEyesMERGE.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp HARODATH_ImmersiveSoulgems.esp ZZNoLeaves.esp More_Saddles.esp 83Willows_101BUGS_V4_LowRes.esp SexLabNudeCreatures.esp SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp UIExtensions.esp AddItemMenu2.esp RSChildren - Complete.esp Ghosu - SkullHelmet.esp HT Social NPCs.esp MERGED_MegahairEmporium.esp MERGED_holycrapmoarshiz.esp Halo's Poser.esp FNIS - Shocky Poses Humans.esp FNIS - Shocky Poses Misc.esp RaceMenuOverlays.esp MergedOverlayPacks.esp MergedTSTester.esp OverlaysMerged2.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp BFSEffects.esp Chesko_WearableLantern.esp RaceMenuMorphsUUNP.esp mintylightningmod.esp DeadlySpellImpacts.esp Skyrim_Strap_Ons.esp FNIS.esp 3DNPC.esp DragonsDiversified.esp Dragons Diversified Dragonborn Patch.esp Book Covers Skyrim.esp DBBookBounds.esp HearthfireMultiKid.esp HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp Proudspire.esp SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp RealisticWaterTwo.esp Immersive Jewelry.esp Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp NPC_Overhaul_V_1_.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Real Wildlife Skyrim 0.1.esp SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp Breezehome_Fully_Upgradable.esp Mystical Illumination.esp USKP_NPCoverhaul_Patch.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp Captured Dreams.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp DivinePunishmentForArrowsToTheKnee.esp DaedricPunishmentForSweetrolls.esp SexLab-Stories.esp Immersive Weapons.esp Lore Weapon Expansion.esp ElysiumEstate.esp ElysiumEstate-HFNoKids.esp HentaiCreatures.esp SexLab More Creatures.esp Inconsequential NPCs.esp BellyachesNewDragonSpecies.esp RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp Inigo.esp Run For Your Lives.esp Seashells.esp Deviously Cursed Loot.esp DBM_IWIA_Patch.esp RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp Atlas Legendary.esp SFO - Dragonborn.esp JC's Wayshrines.esp Ayfertehuis.esp Wild Horses of Skyrim.esp Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp BadGremlinsJarHunt.esp kankaraya.esp DBM_CACO_Patch.esp SexLab-StoriesDevious.esp Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library.esp daymoyl_DawnguardAddon.esp BGsomethingFishy.esp BooksOfSkyrim.esp AlchemyOrganization.esp AutomaticItemStorage.esp One With Nature - DG+DB.esp Unique Uniques.esp DigitigradeKhajiit+ArgonianRaptor.esp EFFDialogue.esp BGtheCapturedFairies.esp SexLabDefeat.esp BGtrophyHeads.esp SummonBCat.esp BDBigCats.esp Working Dog.esp RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp MERGED_RSKids_patches.esp Donyaakin.esp SexLab Eager NPCs.esp BGbobbleSet2.esp BGbobbleheadsSet1.esp Better Vampires.esp MERGED_MegaARMORstuff.esp LoversComfort.esp Unslaad.esp Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp Apocalypse - Waterstride Spell Addon.esp Ghosu - Weapon Pack 1.esp GrassOnSteroids_NaturalEdition_SFO.esp Additional Children Clothes.esp Virelda.esp PreventsAccidentPickUp.esp VL No AoE Drain.esp Devious Deviants.esp Aradia Devious Expansion.esp FNISspells.esp 3dnpc - Overhual.esp TKMN_MoreAdoptableChildren.esp HousecarlsAreTanks.esp HousecarlsAreTanks-HF.esp BijinAIO-2016_3.1.1_SV.esp Bijin-Frea_Iona.esp Brothers.esp DawnofWindhelm.esp XavierNecromancerFollower.esp Sacrificial Spriggan.esp MarcurioGB.esp JaxonzEnhGrab.esp VioLens.esp mslDeviousCaptures.esp sexlab_WearAndTear.esp PlayerValueControler.esp AnimTester.esp SLAnimLoader.esp NibblesAnimObjects.esp SLALAnimObj.esp SLAL_AnimationsByLeito.esp SLAL_K4Anims.esp pvc_DDx_patch.esp RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp SexLabArousedAnimations.esp SexLabWerewolves.esp EstrusChaurus.esp SexlabDeviousKhajiitGags.esp SLA Monitor Widget.esp DBM_RSChildren.esp SLIA - Legendary.esp Schlongs of Skyrim.esp SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp SOS - Leito Addon.esp SOS - ERF Horse Penis Addon.esp SOS - ERF Horse Penis UUNP - Addon.esp SOS - Male Vanila Armor Cloths Conversion Custom.esp SOS - Revealing Armors.esp SOS - Revealing DLC1 Conversion.esp SOS - Revealing DLC2 Conversion.esp Vivid Weathers - Lanterns of Skyrim Preset.esp Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics.esp Heavenly Weather Systems.esp Animallica.esp Animallica - Real Wildlife Loot.esp HornyDragons.esp HornyDragsMNCAddon.esp BDIC.esp BDVanillaCritters.esp MoreNastyCritters.esp SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp sextoys-calyps-2.esp adcSexlife.esp Jugs.esp CACO_SkyrimImmersiveCreatures+DLC2_Patch.esp CACO_USKP_Patch.esp CACO_Wyrmstooth_Patch.esp Hot_Male_Housecarls.esp XPMSE.esp CitrusHead - Standalone.esp DBM_SCRR_Patch.esp Ghosu - Auriel.esp CACO_CoinReplacer_Patch.esp DBM_ImmersiveJewelry_Addon.esp Dual Sheath Redux.esp MERGED PATCHES II.esp Riverwood Redeveloped.esp MilkingAwesomeness.esp DogsTailsVampsMerchants.esp RichMerchants.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp If I had the ability to show you all the threads I pored through to get my issue fixed, I would. But if you can start a game, play and it's only the saves that are breaking for you, chances are it's this string issue. Problem is, once that save is gone, I don't think you can get it back. I hadn't been able to even with crash fixes installed. (I don't even use it because for some reason I can't play for an hour with crash fixes running, but can run 4 hours without) sorry for the long winded comment, but eh.
fizzybutt Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Fizzy : I took a look at that Tool set you linked.... What the heck are we looking for in the saves lol? It loaded fine ...and I have no idea what the rest of it means in the left panel besides a breakdown of what is going on IN the save... If you look in a working save, and the non-loading save, and look at the number displayed by the "strings" (second folder) it'll tell you how many strings you have in that save that are recorded. Anything over 65,535 (I think that last three is the right) It won't load without Crash fixes configured. That's the magic number to break a save apparently. From what I read, if you start a save (Fully ready to play, meaning mcm menu set up and all) under 53k you should be able to get at least 200 hours without a problem with the strings overloading. 53-57k and you'll get less hours before going over that magic threshold. my latest save while testing stuff:
Nefim Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Well, if we are looking at strings... then yea, removing Captured dreams probably solved my problems in the short term. The save I loaded through the save tool says I am sitting at 63k strings... so that explains why I was able to load my save again in the Alternate Start room. Because I was finally below the breaking point. Not sure I trust restringing anything because I am a noob when it comes to this stuff. Raven, Honestly, I looked at your mod order and I couldn't see anything jumping out at me as in the wrong place. OF course I don't know what some of those mods are so...ya. A new game not being able to be loaded does scream load order problem though.... I will keep digging at this. EDIT: With marks sexlab patch I was able to get down to 57k starting on a fresh game..( and all mods on). Went to be Erik's the slayers friend again heh .... any way... The load now works. At 57k though that's still pretty high for a new game. But anyway. I have Hijacked this forum topic enough as it is. Raven, is there a status update? have you managed to at least start / load a new game?
Nefim Posted December 7, 2016 Posted December 7, 2016 Hey Raven, Just in case you manage to get back to the point where just your saves wont load... Here is the patch Fizzy was talking about, The current patch is located in post #452 by Markdf http://www.loverslab.com/topic/56588-corrupted-saves/page-23?do=findComment&comment=1755936
ravensm Posted December 8, 2016 Author Posted December 8, 2016 Sorry everyone, was at work. I use loot all the time. The actual version not the one that comes with mod organizer. I took out captured dreams and Maria mod. It's stable..mostly. I get random ctd's. I haven't had a chance to get on the game yet today so I'll update my papyrus log and load order later
Nefim Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 So your able to load new games again? Hmm you might be suffering from what Fizzy was talking about ( and what I was suffering from ) the strings issue. Download the Patch I linked and install it...( I just made it a mod and placed it under sexlab on the left pane). that should knock string count down like 6k at least. Alternatively you can try Crash Fixes over at Nexus. I am using it and so far it works ... I randomly crashed once during char creation but ...yea. my saves load just fine as long as I don't yank out any mods. ( takes some tweaking to get it to work most of the time ) The creator of Restringer doesn't recommend that you use it until your an "expert" with it so the above options would be your only bet. Keep in mind with Crash Fixes, You still won't be able to load old saves that have went over / near the string limit. The reason for this is .. Crash Fixes turns the strings in to 32bit when it saves allowing it to hold / handle more strings, then reverts them back on load so the game can read them. Old saves are saved at 16bit so won't be open-able.
fizzybutt Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 Alternatively you can try Crash Fixes over at Nexus. I am using it and so far it works ... I randomly crashed once during char creation but ...yea. my saves load just fine as long as I don't yank out any mods. ( takes some tweaking to get it to work most of the time ) Crash fixes will crash you if you've got a lot of hair mods and you're going through them. It's a known bug and they're not quite sure how to get it to quit. Solution for that is to turn off crash fixes while creating a new character/working in racemenu or to exit out of race menu every hundred or so hairs. (The PCB solution described didn't work for me) it has something to do with crashfixes not releasing the memory hook while scrolling through hairs. (I've got 1400 for human females alone, haha)
Nefim Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 Alternatively you can try Crash Fixes over at Nexus. I am using it and so far it works ... I randomly crashed once during char creation but ...yea. my saves load just fine as long as I don't yank out any mods. ( takes some tweaking to get it to work most of the time ) Crash fixes will crash you if you've got a lot of hair mods and you're going through them. It's a known bug and they're not quite sure how to get it to quit. Solution for that is to turn off crash fixes while creating a new character/working in racemenu or to exit out of race menu every hundred or so hairs. (The PCB solution described didn't work for me) it has something to do with crashfixes not releasing the memory hook while scrolling through hairs. (I've got 1400 for human females alone, haha) I have like... 3 hair packs I think ... HDT from the all in one body replacer here in LL, Apachiskyhairs ( needed for a mod but no longer have mod but meh.... still installed ) and Now lovely Hairs or some such so that I could try out the neat mod by yps .... 1400? Wow.... Beauty salons in skyrim? You still working on your Mod from your blog? Unrelated to Raven's problem but I figured I would ask since Raven might be a while before he replies. Stupid work life
fizzybutt Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 *snipsnip* I have like... 3 hair packs I think ... HDT from the all in one body replacer here in LL, Apachiskyhairs ( needed for a mod but no longer have mod but meh.... still installed ) and Now lovely Hairs or some such so that I could try out the neat mod by yps .... 1400? Wow.... Beauty salons in skyrim? You still working on your Mod from your blog? Unrelated to Raven's problem but I figured I would ask since Raven might be a while before he replies. Stupid work life haha, can you believe I've got them all merged into one mod? x3 I've been collecting hair mods for a long time. Some are extremely difficult to find now, and well you've got Radioregae's pain in the tail making one use Steam to get his packs; and there's a few variations within each individual pack (like KShairdos has done) I've got 14 individual hairpacks (not counting their inclusions, like apachii's and KS hairs) Apachii's 3 with the weightpaint addins NewSeaHairs (with its fix) ZZskyrim Numenume's 2+ the HDT one SG Hairs (the big one which is .. almost impossible to find now without serious googlefu) Oblivion hairs (7 friggin' esp's, most of them are redone in KS but I'm not redoing it) FH Hairs Crazy Hairs, and the Inphy hair which was graciously poinoted out to me Niah's test hair KS Hairdo's (with it's weight paints) KS HDT KS Wigs (which don't count as part of the racemenu, but they're awesome!) RTS Hairpack and RadioReggaes, 5(For the khajiit and argonian mostly) I'm a total sucker for customization >.< I've got the esp saved, but haven't worked on it for some time. Had a couple of jobs for a bit that took up so much time I wasn't even sleeping except when on the road. Between frustration with how much the CK has always hated me, and discovering the LotD mod (and seeing what I wanted my mod to be, better than anything I could have ever created,) I just haven't worked on it.
Nefim Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 I can't actually believe you have sooo many mods. I am afraid my game would die long before I got near that count. I panic cause I am at like 247 mods now ...
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