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Pillars of Eternity or Fallout 4?


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I can only get  one, and I can't decide which to buy. i don't really care for poet-apocalyptic games(I prefer the Elder Scrolls), but I'm bored with Oblivion and want to do something new. I am leaning more towards Fallout(because mods.. and Bethesda), but what do you guys think?

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You could always try grim dawn. I just found recently and have been really enjoying it.


I bought Grim Dawn 2 months ago when it was on slae for 40% off. One of the best ARPG's you can play. Crate Entertainment is also hoping to add a 3rd roguelike dungeon before the end of the year.

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You could always try grim dawn. I just found recently and have been really enjoying it.


I bought Grim Dawn 2 months ago when it was on slae for 40% off. One of the best ARPG's you can play. Crate Entertainment is also hoping to add a 3rd roguelike dungeon before the end of the year.



Yeah I got it on sale as well. I wasn't quite sure if I would like it, because I have never really played ARPG's. I believe the last one I played was the original diablo. I stumbled upon it because the guy who makes perkus maximus, also makes a mod for grim dawn as well.


Also I bought Fallout 4 with the season pass when it first came out. I finished the main quest and never really saw a reason to return to the fallout world. I just don't like the dead world/wasteland world look of fallout, like the original poster. So I have two whole DLCs that I have never played.


As for Pillars of Eternity, I find that the world looks pretty look and has a good story. Although I could never get over how controlled the experience gain is. Also the game does make you pause alot. 

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Now I"m a huge fan of all the Bethesda stuff, but I almost believe were I in your shoes I'd go with Pillars of Eternity.  


I find that when I tire of Skyrim, Oblivion, or whichever one I'm currently playing, then Fallout doesn't really do it for me, because the gameplay and style is so similar, its just the world that is different.


I've heard great things about Pillars and plan to try it myself someday.


I have a Skyrim game going, and wanted something different last night, so I tried one I got on sale a while back called Hard West.   I enjoyed it quite a bit.    Isometric, turn based strategy, in the old west.

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Once you are done with pillars........well.....I'm not sure I'd want to play it again anytime soon.  

Fallout 4 however.......well........mods can change enough that it does hold some more replay ability.


Going to come down in the end to which type of game you like most.  Watch some youtube game play vids of each and see what you think.

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I can only get  one, and I can't decide which to buy. i don't really care for poet-apocalyptic games(I prefer the Elder Scrolls), but I'm bored with Oblivion and want to do something new. I am leaning more towards Fallout(because mods.. and Bethesda), but what do you guys think?


I highly do not recommend Fallout 4 being your first Fallout experience. And if you want to know why, youtube search a lot of Fallout 4 sucks videos and compare them with youtube videos of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and you will see why.


If you are looking for RPG, Fallout 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas are where it's at. If you care about lore, Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas are where it's at.

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