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Crashing whenever I load a save


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This has been driving me insane. For some crazy reason, Skyrim has no problem firing up, doing well, loading within the game how much I want, but whenever I exit the game and load a save, the game CTDs. I'm really at my wits end, since I really don't have a clue which mod could be responsible. Could some merciful soul shed some light on this? Thanks a ton!


Here's my mod list:



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Hello Alshir, I am new to modding. Though, I will try to help you the best I can until someone with experience shares stuff with you.


First of all, I had an issue where the game crashes after the load. This was caused by some missing ESP files. If you have Nexus Mod Manager go to Plugins and see if there are any entries with colors different than black. Then go to those entries and see if they are asking for something. You can also disable them and see if that helps.


If that is not the case, you can go to your save game folder and find the SKSE folder. Then open those log files one by one and see if some mod is complaining about something. If you find a new mod complaining about something go ahead and disable that mod then start the game and see if that helps.

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Typically crashing upon loading on save will tend to mean heavy script load or missing stuffs ( which in your case script load is kinda big ). Also as gingertale said is there any missing esp? Btw also check load order of mods both esp and the mod files itself ( use loot to sort load order ), did u clean use TES5Edit to clean files as well? What is your skeleton? ( dual sheath redux need XPMSE or other skeleton that supports left hand, shield on back, and staff on back nodes )

Also post ur papyrus log

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For long time I encountered with similar issue. Then i noticed after exitting game my ram was full of standby memory.
In the case that less than half of free memory remaining, game crash while loaded. Check your Task Manager -> Resource monitor, maybe you have same issue.
Only solution I found is to clear manualy Standby List every time I start Skyrim second time or after browsing internet for some time.
Rammap is utility I'm using. It helps in my case, but still think I'm doing somethink wrong, because almost nobody complains about it.


Sory for my english.

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If load crash, try "continue" or load another save and when she's load load the save you want. If you dont have another save create a new one. (It work for me, i always have a "secure" save and i load by her when skyrim dont want to load other ones) My engligh is bad, i hope you understand :D good chance

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If the issue is caused by your memory you can find out by opening your console from the main menu and typing coc whiterun, if the game loads without crashing, it's a memory issue and you should then be able to load your save without crashing immediately after. you can fix memory issues a myriad of ways like cutting down on the intensive mods you use, upping your memory available for use by skyrim etc, but if you can't fix it, do what I did, install 'continue game no crash' from the nexus. if you install it, open console and type coc cg it'll bypass the entire process of having to load the game then your own save and just auto open your last save for you crash-free.

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I dunno if this is gonna to work or not, but you can try to use Hadoram's Save game script cleaner tool to repair your gamesave then try to load it.


Should it worked, then perhaps you need to go through your entirely loadorder and pick those mods you can play without.  I think the others here may have a point about what's causing your game to crash.


Also, re-run LOOT just to make sure you haven't got a case of the missing master files issue for a mod or two.

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