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Fallout 4 Papyrus - Trying to make a script that increases certain stats when nude


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Hey everyone, I got a question.
I'm a decent programmer that does C++, C#, C, Lua, and various other OO languages.
I'm trying to learn Fallout 4's Papyrus script so I can create a mod that attaches a script to the player, and checks if they have, say, nothing worn on the main body slot, and if so, add like, 1 to Charisma. But if they do, then remove the effect.

I'm just wondering if there's any good documentation or tutorials. I made a few simple scripts with Skyrim once upon a time, but I'm not too sure how it would work in Fallout 4, and it would be nice if Bethesda had more tutorials than just "Hello world".

Either that, or a mod that already does what I want, preferably with source code to show their work.

Anyone got anything of that nature? If I do make the mod, I'd be happy to contribute it to the modding community.

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you don't even need a script for that. spell with a magic effect with value modifiers that have conditions for WornHasKeyword. i forget the exact keyword for fallout 4, but in skyrim you'd do it so that its if WornHasKeyword ArmorCuirass and WornHasKeyword ArmorClothing == 0. the same principals apply for fo4 just check what keywords are being used in the armors.

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er, yeah. awkrarrar is a must have mod. has been a while. the armor types have keywords, but not the base clothing.




as for applying it to yourself you can do a quest with an alias that forces it (no scripting), you can do an item which teaches it (3 lines of script and more dicking with ck), or you can player.addspell it from the console. could also bind it to a perk.


looking to see how they do naked detection in valentine's dialog atm. in skyrim...




... it was completely done with those keywords.

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Hm, makes me wonder how FO4 does it, since your companions DO comment on it...
I was thinking of basically making a mod like http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/13810/ except not quite since we can't add perks to the level up menu. (Yet)

Someone found an alternative using terminals, but I dunno, that seems kinda unwieldy. Maybe automatically getting the perks after having the nude effect active for a long time?

Also, perk icons. Will any old swf I export with the right dimensions do, or does it need something special?

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er, yeah. awkrarrar is a must have mod. has been a while. the armor types have keywords, but not the base clothing.




as for applying it to yourself you can do a quest with an alias that forces it (no scripting), you can do an item which teaches it (3 lines of script and more dicking with ck), or you can player.addspell it from the console. could also bind it to a perk.


looking to see how they do naked detection in valentine's dialog atm. in skyrim...




... it was completely done with those keywords.


Interesting way to detect it.


It should be noted though, that would only detect for body equipped items. In the case of skyrim that was pretty much all you had (besides gloves, boots, helmet). In FO4 you have many, many options for equipments. You could still viably do it that way but it would require a lot more keyword checks.

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