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Gal*Gun: Double Peace

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Very nice mod ! Thanks a lot for your hard work guys !


I wait the swinsuit mod with impatience !


Edit : It seems I have'nt the option for the main outfit of Maya and Shinobu without panties. The angel and the demons have it (without panties) though. Did I miss something ?

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Hmm... Looks like it should be part of the Combined Mod pack, but not the latest Nep*Gun. I'll work on that when I have a moment.


You know what? I don't think I've every updated all the links in the thread, and I apologize for that. Give me a little time to update everything. You can always go to our Discord for the latest updates as well-




But here's the latest GG:DP mod pack - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tN2bfUTY1aMHy1O7vRPdmZsH0g6CyYzF


And the latest Nep*Gun mod - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kXWUgslwaGRlPADZmzfBQfaR37EZ93Sm

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Thanks a lot for your reply !


I see the screen of Maya main outfit without panties in the previous page of this thread (Valentine's Day mod pack) so maybe you forgot to include it in the zip files ?


Everything is OK and work perfectly beside that !

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Hmm... the Valentine's day is not include in the pack in your last post.


(I have not Nep Nep installed because I want to finish the game in Vanilla first)


EDIT : My bad, the valentine's day is in the The Required Folder. it works perfectly now. Shinobu and Maya have the default outfit now. Thanks a lot !

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I got it in the Steam sale, thanks :) Bit of confusion on my part but probably something simple in both the readmes for the DLC unlock mod and the Valentine's day one I need to rename GGgame.u and GGmod.u but both mods come with the files so which one do I need to have as the main one?

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I haven't had the chance to update the main posts yet, but I recommend using the link I posted a few posts back. It's called the Combined mod, and combines both DMM and V-day into one, so you don't have to worry about it.


That said, the V-day one is the one to use if you have both installed.

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Transparency wasn't achieved with Ganriki parameters until I changed seeingThroughRate to 10.0

At 1.0, the clothing was faint but still visible.  At 10.0, the clothing is completely transparent when zoomed in.  Not sure if it was a typo or mistake in the readme, which says max transparency is at value 1.0

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The Summer Fun mod is here!


Alright, it's time for some fun in the sun! The Summer Fun update has arrived, AKA the swimsuit update!


- Three brand new sets of swimsuits for everyone!
 - two bikini sets, and one one-piece set!
- Main heroines getting a bonus "Summer Fun" set!

If you really want to get in the spirit, you can install the optional the Summer Fun BGM mod! It swaps out the BGM for select songs from Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash!

    - normal stage
    - cave stage
    - finale stages
    - girl assault theme
    - stage clear
Songs featured-

    - Tropical Splash Debate - Mutsumi Ishimura
    - Hot Springs A Great Jet Tale - Mutsumi Ishimura
    - Ultimate Bon Appetit Land - Akihi Motoyama
    - Water Sprays on a Deserted Island - Takako Ochiai
    - Battle Over - Mutsumi Ishimura

Download links

Summer Fun is an update to the Combined mod, and includes all previous mods.
Summer Fun Mod Pack


Nep*Gun Hyper Peace version


Summer Fun BGM Mod


As always, let us know if you encounter any issues. I'll get to them as soon as I can. 







































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On 7/3/2018 at 12:26 AM, DarkHawk02 said:

The Summer Fun mod is here!


Alright, it's time for some fun in the sun! The Summer Fun update has arrived, AKA the swimsuit update!


- Three brand new sets of swimsuits for everyone!
 - two bikini sets, and one one-piece set!
- Main heroines getting a bonus "Summer Fun" set!

If you really want to get in the spirit, you can install the optional the Summer Fun BGM mod! It swaps out the BGM for select songs from Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash!

    - normal stage
    - cave stage
    - finale stages
    - girl assault theme
    - stage clear
Songs featured-

    - Tropical Splash Debate - Mutsumi Ishimura
    - Hot Springs A Great Jet Tale - Mutsumi Ishimura
    - Ultimate Bon Appetit Land - Akihi Motoyama
    - Water Sprays on a Deserted Island - Takako Ochiai
    - Battle Over - Mutsumi Ishimura

Download links

Summer Fun is an update to the Combined mod, and includes all previous mods.
Summer Fun Mod Pack


Nep*Gun Hyper Peace version


Summer Fun BGM Mod


As always, let us know if you encounter any issues. I'll get to them as soon as I can. 


This is amazing! > o < ? Thank-you!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanna say I am extremely grateful for all the work everyone has put in. On my search for free DLC, I end up finding something much much better than anticipated. I feel like I can go to lewd heaven thanks to these mods.


One concern I have is that there are three accessories (Dengeki Accessory, INSIDE-chan's Accessory, and Misakimori Accessory) that I cannot apply to anyone. If it matters, I only have the combined mod and Nep mod installed at the time of this post.


Also, one question: where do I go to modify the store prices?


Thank you again for these glorious mods.

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21 hours ago, ModsForSods said:

I wanna say I am extremely grateful for all the work everyone has put in. On my search for free DLC, I end up finding something much much better than anticipated. I feel like I can go to lewd heaven thanks to these mods.


One concern I have is that there are three accessories (Dengeki Accessory, INSIDE-chan's Accessory, and Misakimori Accessory) that I cannot apply to anyone. If it matters, I only have the combined mod and Nep mod installed at the time of this post.


Also, one question: where do I go to modify the store prices?


Thank you again for these glorious mods.

Unless im mistaken, those are in game costumes you find in the maps to use for clothes and accessories.

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Hi everyone, sorry I've been less present on here of late. Busy busy.


Lordrhodes- Thanks for the support. And yes, I'm working on GG2 at the moment with a few others. I won't be as involved in that as my current GG:DP project, but I plan to kick start it by providing guides for how to do things like texture replacement and custom models(this part's somewhat complete already. There are a few differences I've had to figure out between this and GGVR, which both run on UE4).


ModsForSods- Thanks for your kind words. To answer your questions - first, those accessories don't actually exist. Entries for them do, but there aren't actual models for them, so equipping them won't actually do anything.

Second, shop prices are located in - GG2GG2HudUIShopActor.ini, which is in -

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GalGun Double Peace\GG2Game\Config


xMirage - Nice to hear you just got the game, I hope you enjoy it. ^_^ As for GG2 modding, as I stated above, definitely working on it, and I'll be sure to post here on LL once we're ready.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hey, is there anyone who can help me with the installation of the mods? when I install them as they say in the txt the game or it closes suddenly or the models charge badly (without head and / or with the clothes in different parts)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/14/2018 at 2:55 PM, DarkHawk02 said:

Happy Valentine's Day! I have a special present for you- a Valentine's Day Mod pack!


First, many thanks to Ratuno for their hard work in providing the textures that are included.

GG:DP Valentine's Day Mod Pack -


NOTE: You will need the DMM V2 Mod installed before installing this one so that all the features work properly. If you install the DMM Mod after this one, it will overwrite some of the files for these mods.

Included in the Mod Pack are the following mods -

Heroine Higher Res Panties Mod - Updates the base underwear textures for all the heroine's default outfits

Nude Body mod - Updates the nude body texture with naughty bits :tongue:

Ribbons mod - Updates the ribbons underwear textures to both higher res and removes the bra portion

Shinobu Queen Nude Mod - mods Shinobu's Queen event so that she's completely nude for the Action Event
Valentine's Day Mod:

The Valentines Day mod adds several variations on outfits for the characters, all as additional entries to the uniform menu-

Standard Schoolgirls and Teachers now have PE Outfits where they are braless, pantyless, or both!

All heroine default outfit options where they wear nothing underneath.

See-through swimsuits for everybody.
There are readme files for each individual mod. Please read carefully before installing mods.


Note: The mods only affect the default underwear sets for the girls. I have plans to update it later to include all of the sets.


As always, hope you enjoy our work!

If you encounter any issues, please post in #helpdesk for assistance. As always, back up your files first! Remember, worst case scenario you can always verify your files through Steam.


I'll post some preview pics shortly in my next post.




the link is broken

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  • 1 month later...

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