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My Ming is Blown...


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Well, I just made this crazy realization that some of you may or may not know.


As you know, in TES 4: Shivering Isles, you helped Sheogorath with managing the realm and ultimately defending it from the greymarch and then finally to defeat Jyggalag (however you spell that damn word...) which therefore frees him from the curse of constantly changing back in Sheogorath. As a result of the quest, YOU become Sheogorath.


Fast forward to Skyrim. In the game you get a chance to meet Sheogorath! What I realized was that since the champion of cyrodiil became sheogorath, 200 years later he/she STILL is sheogorath. So in essence, YOU (the dovahkiin) is actually meeting your other character from oblivion! Isn't that crazy?

There are even quotes by Sheo in skyrim that support this:


-You know, I was there for that whole sordid affair. Marvelous times! Butterflies, blood, a Fox and severed head... Oh, and the cheese! To die for. (Referring his time as the Champion of Cyrodiil, the Fox being the Gray Fox and the head is that of Mathieu Bellamont's mother. And the Cheese was something the current Sheogorath said to the Champion of Cyrodil during the Shivering Isles in Oblivion. "Cheese for everyone! No, wait, scratch that, no cheese. That could be just as much of a celebration if you don't like cheese. ).


-It's a family title. Gets passed down from me to myself every few thousand years.


These quotes imply that this Sheogorath was present for the whole oblivion crisis AND that the role of sheogorath gets passed down to different people throughout the ages.


Is your ming blown yet?


Predicted argument #1: But I didn't play Oblivion therefore this stuff didn't happen!

Wrong, just because you didn't partake in it, doesn't mean that it didn't happen. In Skyrim, people reference the Oblivion crisis several times, just because you haven't played Oblivion, doesn't mean that those events didn't happen in the history of the lore.


Predicted argument #2: But my super model scantily-clad super warrioress would NEVER and couldn't turn into a creepy, weird guy!

Based on what we see in Skyrim, you're wrong again. Here's a quote from the elder scrolls wiki: "This was confirmed by Sheogorath's voice actor Wes Johnson at MAGFest X. Johnson stated that due to the fact that the Hero of Kvatch had the ability to use the Wabbajack as Sheogorath, he could appear in any way he wanted to via the transformation powers of the artifact. Skyrim's Sheogorath is one of these forms."


At any rate, what are your thoughts? Was your ming blown?

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Yeah, made this connection a long while ago. It's an interesting insinuation, marking the first time I can think of where an Elder Scrolls protagonist's fate is known for certain, and further, where you meet him/her again. The hero from Arena just vanished, the hero of Daggerfall died, and the Nerevarine was literally put on a boat.


Not everyone is gonna be happy with the idea that their beloved Madgod character from their SI playthrough is heavily implied to no longer be the character they started out as, though. To them, I make two suggestions.


1. You character may have further passed along the title, on a whim. Maybe madness got boring or something.


2. Your character is so batshit insane now that they're beyond your control anyway.

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