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Sassy Teen Girls + The Painted Lady problem


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Hey, first time posting here. I'd be grateful for help with my problem.

I have problem setting up public hair from The Painted Lady to followers from Sassy Teen Girls. When I follow the guide from The Painted Lady, I get a lot of strange errors in Creation Kit during facetint generation, then in-game follower's face is different than it used to be. It's like it uses standard redguard face.
I tried to debug the problem, but I really didn't have much luck. I spend my last two weeks searching for answer, but I still don't know much about facegen, facetint, .tri files and all that stuff.

I'm not sure I'm missing some files from the developer of Sassy Teen Girls to create facegen, or I have everything, but just don't know how to do it.

Sassy Teen Girls creates custom race TeenGirlRace for its characters, which uses different meshes and textures, if that helps.


First error from Creation Kit is:

FACEGEN: Could not find (and apply) race morph 'TeenGirlRace' in TRI file 'Actors\Character\Character Assets\FaceParts\FemaleHeadBrowsRace.tri' for geometry FemaleHeadBrows.

This file is provided by All-in-One HDT Animated Pussy. I tried to extract this file and maybe merge it with some data from Sassy Teen Girls, but I don't know where to start.


Next error:

FACEGEN: Could not find (and apply) race morph 'TeenGirlRace' in TRI file 'Actors\Character\Character Assets\FemaleHeadRaces.tri' for geometry FemaleHead.

This file is provided by Enhanced Character Edit, which I installed after I already had problems with this. Without it, there was no such file and the same error. Perhaps I could merge this file with data from Sassy Teen Girls? I have no idea.

Next ones:

FACEGEN: No morphs found in TRI file "meshes\actors\character\SassyTeen\hairinsideo.tri". Please do not use empty TRI files
FACEGEN: No morphs found in TRI file "meshes\actors\character\SassyTeen\hairlineinsideo.tri". Please do not use empty TRI files


These files are provided directly by Sassy Teen Girls mod. I don't know much about this error and no idea how to fix it.


Last one:

FACEGEN: Tint mask texture 'Textures\Actors\Character\Character Assets\TintMasks\SkinTone.dds' is not the correct expected dimensions of 256x256. Please resize the texture to match those dimensions.

Also no idea here.

After skipping these errors, it says 'Done' and I have bugged face in-game.

I'd be grateful if someone could explain these errors to me, tell me how could I possibly fix them. I tried many things prior to creating this topic, but it all resulted in bugged face in-game. I can provide every file I use in-game, list of mods etc.

Thanks in advance.

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