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Another Metroid 2 Remake (AM2R) is amazing.

Kamen Rider Kuuga

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Nintendo isn't interested in free money.

Most companies aren't.


Most of the post is in spoiler due to length. If you want the TL;DR version just skip the spoiler entirely.



You see, the guys who do the funding rely on marketing teams. The marketing teams have a clear-cut idea of what the market wants.

Now, what the market truly wants is rarely even tangentially related to what they think the market wants, but they have their minds set and won't let things like reality get in their way.


So whenever a fan-made game comes out, they throw a C&D notice instead of hiring the creators.

Whenever a spiritual successor for a popular game the industry has forgotten about (such as what Mighty Number 9 should've been) you see people go out of their way to throw money at it, and the marketing teams are surprised.

But does the industry actually learn that - hell yeah, people want this sort of thing? No.


"Horror is dead" they used to say. Well, it wasn't, and games like Amnesia and Outlast proved the industry wrong and made enough money until we got Aliens: Isolation.

"People love CoD's campaigns!" they say, and the new CoD's trailer is the most disliked video on youtube while the Battlefield trailer (which changes the setting back to WW1 era) has enormous support.

"Nobody wants platformers anymore!" and we have games like Shovel Knight doing incredibly well.


Hell, games like Shadows of Mordor did amazingly well, and what does the market do? Forget about them.

Spec Ops: The Line, where's that brand of self-consciousness gone? Oh right, the industry forgot about it, too, despite it being featured on almost all top-10 lists and it making huge profits.

We have games like Darkest Dungeon and XCOM-2 making insane amounts of money, and does the industry care? Hell no.


Think of a game with the following:

-Base creation, with rescued survivors heading to the base to become defenders\merchants\whatever.

-Apply the same random face generation the uruks have to the survivors. Have human and elf survivors (and possibly dwarves).

-Talion being replaced by an elf (or human, or whatever you like) girl and what the orcs would do to her when she lost (instead of the QTE "last chance" mechanic). Obviously face\body customization for the girl to make her just as you like her.

-Alternatively, if you play a male, perhaps the base has some wenches who would "reward" you. Whether based on rescuing them, fame (=total number of captain\warlord kills + survivor rescues) or coin (the uruks obviously would loot items of value, which you could take and sell at base).

-Add in some different enemies from Uruks (goblins, trolls, ogres, nazghuls, balrogs etc) for variety.

-Base defense, with getting to see all the people you rescued killed and\or captured if you fail so it'll have some actual impact; Shadows of Mordor was really bad in that category (nothing truly bad happened).

-Followers with individual procedurally-generated personality (like the orcs) and optional permanent death (for that emotional investment and reaction). Could do an XCOM-2 style character preset for them (so follower mods add in a preset, and then the character can appear in-game and you have to organically save them).

-Possible additions to combat such as new weapons, skills, rune effects etc. Perhaps even a wand\staff type with magic specialization.

-We already have two types of ride-able beasts. Imagine adding in Balrogs (that can fly, have fiery whips etc) and wyverns (like the Nazghuls have).

-Ally base might have upgrades for some different type ride-able beasts for you; great eagles\griffins etc.


All they want is freemium style micro-payments; to make a thing, drain all the money they can in a short amount of time and then make another thing.

It is now expected that a new game will last only a few weeks if not days if not hours. It is even desired - otherwise, people won't flock to the next newest thing on the market and their well of money will dry up.




If too many old-school replayable games with good length and no micro-payments come out, they won't be able to extract as much money from their cash-cows and that will be "bad".

So no, they won't hire them, even though a new Shadows of Mordor game with Oblivion's mod-ability would have probably been the single most successful game ever.


Anyway, that's my take on the subject.


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