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Prison Overhaul not working

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I recently installed Prison Overhaul and it doesnt seem to work. I have installed all of its required mods.


I tried testing it out ingame. I alerted a guard and submitted myself but all that happens is this

  • I get a prompt about being arrested for the major or minor crime
  • Current weapons will be unequipped
  • My character will have an unequippable gag and restraints

However it ends there

  • Nothing happens next, I don't get teleported to the prisons
  • I can still walk freely
  • I can equip my fists again but I cant attack

I tried waiting for a scenario to happen but I got nothing, I waited for a day so the restraints would come off but it didn't.


Here are some information that might be useful

  • I am not using Fus Ro D'oh so I have the dialogue unticked
  • My Sexlab is version 1.61 and the game says its untested (and the latest tested version is 1.58)
  • I ran/re-ran FNIS multiple times
  • I used LOOT to sort my mods
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Try to generate a SEQ file for this mod using Tes5Edit

Mods with quests that are start enabled without the SEQ file have problems with dialogues and scenes.

( this file should be in Skyrim\data\SEQ folder, same name as the .esp with a .seq extension )

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