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CTD during or after fight has ended

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I'm guessing there are mod conflicts so I'm hoping someone can help identify what mods are conflicting here




I'm not sure if this is the problem, but it might be Wildcats and Death Alternative as from what I've read on the forums on Wildcats, it says the two are not the most compatible. However when I've deactivated either of them, I still encounter CTD.


Basically after killing 2 bandits just a little north of Rorikstead, the game just CTDs. So I'm honestly not sure what mods could be conflicting with another. Is there a log I can find on my Mod Organizer folder to try and identify what's causing the CTD? I'm honestly at my wits end

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Try to create a Papyrus Log. That could help to figure out where the crashes are coming from.


Okay, I'm not sure if I've solved it but after I managed to actually not CTD, I reached Solitude. I also forgot to mention is that in the game, everytime I open a door, things start flying all over the place. Bread, books, bowls etc. I googled this and apparently its due to my FPS going over 60. And from what I've read on forusm, having FPS higher than 60 might actually crash the game sometimes?


So I got an FPS limiter, set the FPS count to 58 and so far, I've not CTD. I'm not sure I've solved it but what I want to ask is: is it true that having fps over 60 can crash the game? I definitely noticed the thigns flying around and forums do confirm its FPS, but the crashes though? 

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