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Suggestions for the mobile layout


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I'm unsure if I'm posting in the right section, but here it goes.


I usually browse Loverslab on my phone 50% of the time.  The layout is simple, lightweight, nothing much to say about the efficiency, but I'm sometimes forced to switch to the desktop version because of missing features or non user-friendly things.


I know Ashal isn't responsible for this as the mobile layout is probably auto generated by IPB, but maybe something can be done here.  If not, too bad.  Please feel free to use this topic to voice your own suggestions if you want to.


What I suggest :

- The ability to access the first page of a topic OR the last read from the section.  For now, no matter where you click (The topic title or the arrow on the right of the screen), you'll be taken to your last read page.  For example, clicking on the topic title could take you to the first page, and clicking on the arrow would take you to the last read one.

- The ability to go to the last page/first page IN a topic, I currently have to go page by page.

- A way to go to a sub-section directly.  Right now, if I want to access the Sexlab downloads, I have to go through the main page, then Sexlab Framework, then choose the section.


I'll try to provide some screenshots when I get the time smile.png




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Theres an 'View Original Site' button at he bottom of the mobile site if you didnt know.

I know :) That's what I meant when I said that I had to switch to the desktop version. But it's way too bothersome to use as you have to scroll everywhere in the page.

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hmm thought i was the only who found that annoying 


it would also be nice if it was the same colour format as the desktop version because sometimes people colour words like this and its impossible to read it with a white background

and yeah you can switch to desktop version but i think that uses more mobile data, 


im not on the mobile version alot but this is just my opinion of it

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