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Trying to Create new house and NPC's, but I have some Problems!!!


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I'm trying to create an inn with its NPC's. To make it easy, I copied "Ivarstead Vilemyr Inn" in Interiors.

I dublicated WilhelmRef and LynlyRef. Then, by using "Edit Base" I modified them and changed the characters' names.

Now, I can see them in the new inn in the Creation Kit.

When I wanted to check it in the game, I couldn't see the NPC's in the inn. They were in the Vilemyr Inn.


How can I resolve this situation? And my another question is: This "NPCRef" what is that for?


Sincerely Yours,



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You cannot just change the reference of the actor.

You need a new actor.


Or the reference will reference packages that will make it to go to the other location (never have a duplicate of the same actor in two cells, never.)

Duplicate also the actors (or create new ones), and then place them inside the copied cell you made.


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You cannot just change the reference of the actor.

You need a new actor.


Or the reference will reference packages that will make it to go to the other location (never have a duplicate of the same actor in two cells, never.)

Duplicate also the actors (or create new ones), and then place them inside the copied cell you made.


Thank You for the advice.


I try that...



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You cannot just change the reference of the actor.

You need a new actor.


Or the reference will reference packages that will make it to go to the other location (never have a duplicate of the same actor in two cells, never.)

Duplicate also the actors (or create new ones), and then place them inside the copied cell you made.




I checked the packages. They were assigned to their original cell. I changed them to the new place, then renamed the packages. The NPC's are in the new cell now.


Thanks a lot...



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