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Zaz animation & DD armbinder bug

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I've posted about this before but couldn't really explain it all that well.


So, what's going on is when my female character (or any other female NPC) has the armbinder on them, any time a sex animation is initiated the character with the armbinder during the animation is on her knees & making motions as if bound and being fucked, but the partner character will just stand there naked either with or without a weapon drawn, if a weapon is not drawn they seem to just stand there, not T posed but just stand there like normal, and no matter how many times I press the button to realign the characters they just do the same thing.


This only happens when a character is in the armbinder, and I'm not sure why.


My initial thought was that possibly I've got a scripted animation fighting with another scripted animation to take priority, but if that's true then i don't know which animations are conflicting for me to fix this.

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