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Fourm Roleplay thread (first post updated a tad)

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Edit: adding list of people who are in, will add char info once everyones posted theirs.






Also, we're going to be using the Fallout setting, here is a decent worldmap of the Fallout landscape.









So would anyone be interested in setting up a forum based RP thread ?

It'd play more like collective storytelling than PnP RPing, but would still have some backend stat based stuff for the GM to use to determine what you can/cant do if nessacary.


Setting wise, I'm thinking either Fallout (IE: real Fallout, west coast) or somewhere in the TES setting.

Of course, all of this is subject to change based on group consensus (of course the earlier you join the more if any of a say you'll have)


So who is intersted ?

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Well that's one!


A few more people and we can get this going good.


Also, may be a good idea to, once we get started, all get on the LL IRC channel (if you dont know how to IRC click the chat button at the top of the page) to coordinate and plan in realtime. Also for those new to IRC, remember, when someone isn't on, they dont get any messages, so people tend to do what is known as idling. In other words, just leave it running when not around, so if you try to msg me (or anyone else as this moves foward) exercise paitence.

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No clue, link me.


Basically, we'll orginise either here or on IRC and discuss basics and agree to stuff.


Then the GM writes a post to start things out, and everyone repsonds by writing a post (from a few paragraphs to a few sentances) and posting.

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Oh, no, this will be much less D&D like, pretty much pure collective storytelling (as long as noone else calls BS it passes) with dice rolls mostly figuring into random chance type stuff(IE: rather than decide in an either/or type situation I roll a dice)

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Anyway since we three never seem to manage to IRC at the same time I guess we can discuss things here.


Me and nonsense were discussing the specefic setting on IRC and agreed that the area from Fallout/Fallout2 would probably be the best to use, however it's still somewhat up in the wind.




mailamea10 do you have any prefrences for the setting ? If we do a Fallout theme, it'll be in the FO/FO2 map area (IE: west cost of the US) set a bit before or after Fallout 2.


However as for other basic settings, there is always having it be set in Oblivion, with the player group getting thrown into jail in the imperial city, replacing the PC from oblivion with a group.


Anyway I'll let you two (and anyone else intersted in joining up) discuss it further I suppose.

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Ok well what me and nonsense were discussing was have the players meet up on a caravan.


You got your pickup truck beds cut down to act as brahman pulled carts (IE: just like in the FO/FO2 animations) and the players are riding on them, with the caravan hauling a few passangers for both the extra coin as well as the extra people with weapons in case they get attacked, providing a win-win situation for everyone.


Also, for both you and nonsense, start thinking up a background story for your characther. What basic skills, where from, etc. If custom hometown, think up a basic backstory for it as well, since that'll make RPing someone from there easier too.


Past that, if you get advantages give yourself disadvantages too, avoid going for god tier everything right off the bat. (of course I'm likely doing SOMEWHAT just that, but my char will have massive penalties too, not to mention being the GM character)


Also, characters usually will NOT get killed off.

Long as a players active, character stays alive, unless the player doesn't mind, in which case when the character gets wounded I'll do an extra dice roll.

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No problem, most of it just needs to be mental, IE: you have a basic idea and can build on it as things progress.


I'll do a basic examople with my char.

Note: I'm personally sticking with classic FO weapons, I'd suggest sticking to the same, keeping in mind most modern guns (read: post WW2) weapons IRL don't exist in the FO universe (with a few exceptions I'll list). FO3 weapons are fine too, just keep in mind that they are not unique to their type.

post WW2 guns known to exist in the Fallout universe:

AK-47. The Assault rifle in FO/FO2 was the AK-112 (since the 112 was described as an old weapon used by the national guard, it would imply thatt he AK-47 is now rare, having long since been replaced by many new versions

FN-P90. In FO2. Does not mean the FN fiveseven pistol, since it uses 10mm in FO2 and the pistol was devolped along with the round IRL


.44 magnum revolver. In FO2

Desert Eagle. is in FO/FO2, in .44 magnum, .50AE round not confirmed, so no version in .50 AE.

Pancor Jackhammer. In FO2

May be a few more, but yeah, decent list, otherwise choose from WW2 or before weapons, weapons from FO3, or ask about things that interst you.


For the weapons with counterparts in FO/FO2 and FO3, I'd say do the following

laser pistol/Rifle

Have FO3 versions made the military versions of that weapon.

Give them more damage, but keep ammo capacities the same.

The FO/FO2 versions were pretty much civilian models, as mentioned in the laser pistol tooltip, have FO/FO2 versions slightly weaker but bigger battery capacity, meaning it gets more shots at not much less damage.


For plasma pistol/rifle, in FO3 I seem to recall it saying that the enclave had to relearn how to make plasma weapons, so have the prewar models in FO/FO2 more powerful, use ingame capacities.


Armor, same as with guns, use inventory description to determine.

Obviously the T-51 in FO/FO2 is better than T-45, since in FO/FO2 it had different bonuses that made it a lot better, FO3 combat armor ammounts to basic combat armor in FO/FO2, and Combat Armor Mk2 basically being Operation Anchorage armor and ranger armor, and the brotherhood combat armor being obvious.

For FO2 clothing, no boosts like in FO3.



Now char sheet.

Alice McGee

Age: 14

white female of what was once known as Scottish decent. (in FO I mean)

red hair in pigtail braids, armpit length, pre-war US army combat armor, with a M-72 Gauss rifle and PPK12 Gauss pistol in a holster, with a Stallonia combat knife in a sheath on the left hip.

Background: Born in a private Army Vault that had been left off of the enclaves records due to the base commanders mistrust of the people involved before the war (located at Ft Irwin, since that's a IRL location that existed in the timeframe that'd put it into the FO alt future).

Alice was assigned to a secure guard tower for primary training from the vault population of the decendents of the people at the base when the bombs fell.

In the middle of the night, an explosion rocked the base, and she realized it had been destroyed from within, and with no chance to rescue anyone, she wandered.

Ft Irwin was a US Army base, used for desert warfare training incase America got involved in any desert conflicts in the resource wars.

About five years before the bombs fell, the commanding general decided to use the very large ammounts of VaultTec equipment on the base for building mock structures to instead fabricate his very own vault.

Due to mistrust of persons in the enclave, the Envlaves records never listed the facility.

Then one day they leaders decided that the population of decendents from the survivors of the base had grown too large to sustain itself and expansion to the outside was needed, and a surface outpost should be built.

While only a single child receiving training was outside guarding the incomplete outpost and the entry elevator to the vault, several of the military robots near the surface detected a signal from an old Enclave communications satellite, broadcasting coded list of known facilties.

As the Ft Irwin vault was not on that list, these robots made their way into the reactor room of the vault and detonated the reactor.



Anyway that's an example of char devolpment. Doesnt need to be that detailed, but can't hurt.


As for starting gear, try not to go overboard (no power armor to start) and try to give yourself penalties for better kit (in my case, I opted for a teenage characther, with the difficulties that will bring, also semi common for the GMs characther in RPs like these to have some small inital advantage, so the GM can, without breaking RP, be able to do a bit more to shape events if needed.


Also. here is the worldmap




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Name: Rowen "kuro" Shu

Age: 19 (20 soon)

A light skinned man decendant of a place he knows as "PI"

Long black hair tied in a ponytail reach down to his hips. Wears a wornout black duster with the the words "Heaven or Hell" written on the back, over a dark grey sleeveless shirt and black cargopants. He has two 9mm pistols holstered in a a make shift shoulder holster, a .44 Desert Eagle holstered on his hips, and a combat knife tucked in the left shoulder holster.


Born after his parents have left the vault they lived in. He learned how to scavenge, hunt, and protect him self. At age 5 his mother gave birth to his sister Amie and two years later their sister Kalie was born. At age 10 he received two 9mm pistols from a merc who taught him to use a gun. Then in his 15th birthday after gathering materials for his family he finds their camp destroyed. He found his father being tortured by a raider out of anger he pumpeed the raider full of lead. His father barely alive told him what had happen, his mother and sisters were taken by the raiders. Before his father could tell him who the raiders were and what the raiders want or plans are for his mother and sisters, his father dies. Hell bent on find the rest of his family he takes his father's bloodied .44 Desert Eagle and started his search, destroying raider camps, working as caravan guards, looking for information about whovtook his family and why. That was five years ago... All his leads have ended in dead ends, but he still haven't given up, he will find them and make the ones who took them pay.



Skills: dual wielding (bad accuracy, faster shots by firing both weapons in succeesion but longer reload time or continous shots by firing the guns one at a time and firing the other when one gun needs reloading, normal fire rate but shorter reload.)

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Name: Timmy, prefers Tim (Will answer to "Boy" as well)

Age: 17

Gender and Race: Male, Caucasian


(Note: Think of the cannibal village in Fallout 3)

Tim can only barely recall his parents. His adoptive grandparents, though kind, don't really want to talk about it. They just say that what is in the past is in the past. What really happened, is his parents were travelling, where and from are not important, but in their travels they thought to stop at a small community they spotted. After all, their little tot needed some rest. When they arrived, the villagers had friendly looks on their faces, but those looks soon soured when they saw the small child carried by the woman. Except for the old couple, they just looked sad. For this was not a normal community, it was a community who would shelter travelers and merchants, and in the middle of the night, drag them off to the kitchens. There was only one rule, no children. The villagers waved the couple on. "We're sorry," they said, "we just can't help you, you'll have to find some place else." The man was adamant however, that they rest. All they needed was a place to lie, they had brought their own provisions, and they didn't need permission to just go into one of the abandoned houses. And that should have been that. The members of the village should have left them alone, that is what they agreed upon. But someone got hungry. And when the rest discovered what had been done, they were angry, not as to what had been done to the couple, but at the child, left alone and parent-less. The old couple, the last remaining of the original members of this village, the last "normal" ones, the ones insisting on farming the soil, they took him, they said they would raise him. But they were warned, someday, he would have to belong to the rest of them, he would have to become one of them, just as all children born in the village would. The old couple did not reply, and just took him back to the house. They did not know his name, so they named him Timmy.


Years went by. Timmy would play with the other children sometimes, but it always seemed like the other adults didn't like him. He guessed because he was adopted. A few times the other children would bring it up, but then they got fussed at by their parents. It was weird, there was a building called "The kitchen" that didn't have any windows, but it did have a basement. He or any of the other kids were not allowed to go there. Sometimes people would come by, but the kids were all supposed to stay inside and not talk to them. In the morning they were always gone before he was up. "Grown ups get up earlier" he was always told. He mainly spent time with his grandparents, working their relatively small fields. When he was old enough, even though he was still very young, his grandfather took his old rifle and taught Tim how to use it. It turned out Tim was skilled at it, and practiced frequently. The grandfather always smiled when he saw Tim shooting. Sometimes he would say things like "I'm sure you would have gotten a medal too." Tim wasn't really sure what he was talking about. Later on, the grandfather showed Tim a pistol, that seemed worn, but in good condition. "This .223 will be yours when the time is right Tim." he would say. Tim wasn't really sure what he was talking about... Grandpa seemed to seemed to not make sense sometimes. He used strange words sometimes to, like "alpha" and "delta." But he did teach Tim how to shoot, and how to do just about everything else related to that. He made sure Tim stayed healthy to, and had him running and climbing and everything else. Tim would go out with his grandfather to hunt sometimes, and at around the age of 15, actually got to go out by himself to do it. The extra meat was nice to go with the vegetables they usually grew.


Tim loved going hunting. Not just for the hunt itself, but for the freedom. He for the first time he had control, he was making his own choices. He felt like he was becoming an adult. He was becoming curious. His grandfather could tell. A trader came by, Tim really wanted to talk to him, but his grandfather gave him a stern look. It was bed time, but Tim wasn't tired, he was curious. He stayed up, peaking out his window, thinking that maybe he could talk to the trader once the trader woke. Then he saw a few people, people he knew, his neighbors, coming out of their houses. They had weapons, sharp, large knives the size of bats. They went into the traders house. Then they came out, a few were carrying his body, one more came out carrying his head. They went to the kitchen. Tim waited. An hour or two passed. And they all came out, and went back into their houses. Tim waited a while, just to be sure. The he went to the kitchen. The door was locked. He kicked it open. He didn't need to go inside. Tim went to the house the trader was staying in. There wasn't much he was carrying, but enough to make do, especially some leather clothing that looked durable, along with a back pack, an okay amount of food and some water, a sharp looking combat knife... and some ammo, .223 caliber. Right, if anytime would be it, it is now. Tim grabbed the supplies and ammo he wanted, put on the leather, and snuck back to his home, for the last time. He went to the drawer where the .223 was kept, and it was unlocked. It was always locked. He took out the pistol and the ammo kept along with it, as well as a holster. He turned around, and his grandfather was standing there. They did not exchange many words. "My parents?" Tim asked. The old man nodded his head sadly. "You?" Tim quickly asked again. His grandfather shook his head firmly, yet still sadly. "Never, not me... my children." His voice becomes almost a whisper. He extends out his hand. Tim reaches out and shakes it. "Goodbye Son" he barely manages to exhale, yet still with a firmness in his tone. "Goodbye" echos Tim, with a firmness that is markedly similar. Tim walks to the door. His grandfather tells him to hold a moment more, "Run, as fast as you can. Never come back." Tim nods, a hard set to his jaw. He walks out the door. He runs, leaving his old life far behind.

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happens, get used to it :P


But yeah good background.


Still, the thought of that village makes me lol.


I had (note: using FWE mod so have classic FO items) Advanced Power Armor on when the cannibals came after me.


Yeah, I just sorta stood there LOLing at the lack of damage they did before using a ripper on them.

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