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What to do about worldspace / cell edits on follower mods?


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Well, obviously, for the follower to be situated somewhere in the game, there needs to be an entry somewhere in the worldspace.  The problem I'm having is that this entry (in Tes5Edit) is part of a tree, and the author of the follower has generally elected to edit the branches further up.


For example


   0000003C   Tamriel   Skyrim
      Block 0, -1
         Sub-Block 2, -2
            00009781   IvarsteadExterior01   18, -15
                  (placed NPC)


In the above example, the vanilla entries 000003C and 00009781 have been changed by the mod.  Most of the time, the change reflects the vanilla original, but unfortunately this usually means non-DLC vanilla, which means the mod ends up reverting the entry to its non-DLC iteration, which probably breaks something.  Sometimes the entry uses Chinese / Japanese etc. encoded text.


My ideal solution here would be to force Tes5Edit to remove these particular entries, but Tes5Edit only seems able to do this while also killing every branch beneath it, including the NPC placement.  In the meantime, I'm trying to duplicate the DLC versions of the entries (sometimes this is not possible with Tes5Edit).


Unexpected issue that hopefully has a good solution.

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This issue ended up being a 100% recurring theme, which basically means it's something that is completely unavoidable.  In other words, if you place something in the world, you also lock in edits to its cell.  In the case of followers, most of the time the only change was to the name of the cell: Very often, English got replaced with Chinese or Korean.  But there were some legitimately negative changes based on the fact that the author didn't have all the DLC.  These needed to be fixed.


In the end, I fixed every single one of the ~70 followers I've decided to place in the game.  Many had errors, some had no clothes, a few weren't even placed in the game.  But by far the most reliable issue was that they took over and modified vanilla assets (HairColorList and other form lists, NordRace, etc.).  A few had custom voices and needed to take over voice-related form lists for that to work.  To save my sanity, I more or less made them mute.  Not like I really ever had any plans for recruiting them.


The combined plugin is over 3.5MB.

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