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Mr. Mojo Rising


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Just dropped a small mod in the Downloads section that is the seed of a new sex mod for FO:3 (I hope). Silly name, but I was listening to the Doors when I started writing and damned if I'm going to go through changing everything to something more sensible now.






I don't know for sure, but I'm not really detecting enthusiasm in that look.



Mr Mojo Rising ReadMe



Mr. Mojo Rising v1.0a ReadMe


This is a very simple "fuck on demand" mod for Fallout 3.


The existing sex mods for FO:3 (Sexus and AP) are quite buggy, and as they are big, complicated, and so fairly impenetrable it gets hard to see what is going wrong.

The idea here is to present a bare bones core mod that is small enough to grasp completely.

Then anyone can take it and adapt and improve it to their tastes, (and hopefully create something big complicated and impenetrable).

Although I hope that it stands as a bit of fun in its own right, I think that it's main value is as a demo of techniques that other wouldbe modders might find useful.

As it stands this version of the mod won't hold your attention very long.

But, it should be simple enough for anyone to see how to expand and develop it.





2. An erect male nude body (I use Breeze's) or you will have to use your imagination.

3. Naked female bodies according to taste. (I use several different ones)

4. The animations here just use the vanilla skeleton, nothing fancy.

5. The getKeyPresses might conflict with a mod you use if it has set "J" "N" "U" "Y" to do something special. In that case just change the line in the

labratsFuckItBaseEffectScript to map onto a key/scancode that you aren't using somewhere else.


To instal, copy the Data folder into your fallout directory and it should put 8 animation files into your data/meshes/characters/_male/idleanims folder in their own LMQAnims folder, and an esp, Mr Mojo Rising.esp in your data folder


What does it do?


In this version 1.0a:


Every female that you can talk to gets given a top level "Hey Girl, let's fuck" topic option.


Click it and they always say "sure", and give the player a "Mojo" token. This is apparel.


1) go into pip and equip your Mojo. (It gets unequipped and removed in the course of the action)


2) come out of pip. If you were in 3rd person you are now fucking. It is recommended that you Toggle Free Camera to get a better view.

If you were in 1st person your Honey is now standing naked in front of you (you are also naked) and if you go into 3rd person you will start fucking.


3) to fuck faster press "J". There are three speeds. The speeds loop slow-mid-fast-slow....etc.


4) to climax press "N".


5) if the animations are way out of synch, you can adjust distance between the actors by pressing "Y" or "leftshift + Y", and you can raise or lower your Honey by pressing "U" or "leftshift + U"



I make mods for my amusement, if I think that there's something worth sharing in it I post it and anyone can do what they like with it, but don't expect it to fully match your own expectations.


I know that many players play as women, but I don't, nor am I interested in homosexual action, but I think that it would be a simple matter to change/add bits to provide for those options.


For my own convenience the bits used in the .esp are prefaced by "labrats". That's not a claim. I'm not territorial. Change anything you want. I learned everything off someone else, and the bits that are "original" or "from scratch" (e.g. in the scripting or the animations) aren't anything I'm particularily proud of or proprietorial about.


Although I have made provision for 4 fuckstyles, only one is "finished" and used here, but the scripts should be so simple that you can see where the expansions will go.


MAJOR CAVEAT: the a stands for alpha

I have not spent enough time on this one yet, but as I am quite busy at the moment and as I don't know when I will get round to perfecting it I thought it best to release something that seems to work "OK" and let other people play with it. That way the experts can solve the hassles I haven't and the enthusiasts can find all the holes that I haven't.


Known annoyances:

Yes, I know the animations.....need more work, especially in the synching and bone-prioritising areas.


After climax, the action ends too abruptly, and the Honey often comes out with some non-sequitur bit of conversation, while the Bloke is staring off into the middle distance and ignoring her. I should try and incorporate a post-coital phase - maybe involving a cigarette or a cuddle, and I've got to work out what's going on with the facings.


ATM the sexual grunts use the "actor.say hit" method like Sexus, which is OK but perhaps it would be better to make a new topic with slightly less pained content. Also, occasionally the voices get faint and ghostly ? not sure why that is.

Some NPCs stay stubbornly silent (eg Moira) - I guess they have unique voices so the topic "hit" method needs a bit of adapting.


The Honey will dress herself after a few seconds, (the mechanism is a bit clumsy for my liking but it works), but for now the Player will have to dress himself.




This is Version 1.0a




To Zumbs for his smoking mod which showed me a mechanism I could adapt, (and he used the "mysterious stranger" icon first).

To the maker of Sexus for the cream mechanism lifted almost as found, and general inspiration.

To Cipscis for a simple how to get key presses tutorial.

And just about everyone else - if you want a personal mention let me know if I missed you.


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Mr. Mojo Rising version 1.1a now in downloads section


More rapid prototyping.



Added blowjob animations, (these involve facial expression animation and sound effects for those who are interested in that sort of thing).


Simplified the animation calls. There was no need for individual tokens, one token condition (WHICH SHOULD NEVER BE FULFILLED - we only want the mojo idles to play when we specifically call them with playidle) seems to prevent unnecessary idle calls. Keeping the MojoHoney token in for the moment as may find a use for it.


Changed some loop conditions to use quest level variables rather than locals.


Added a package labratsMojoHoneyPackage which coupled with evp calls seems to stop some annoying idles taking priority - e.g. the default head tracking was seriously affecting the blowjob head anims, and also seems to have cured the unwanted babble.


Got rid of the onscripteffectend block as it doesn't seem to do anything.


Honeys now randomly offer the choice of either "Hey Girl, let's fuck" or "Hey Girl, wanna suck on this?".




With both sets of animation be aware that I scaled them for a shorter female model (0.8 of my height) as I prefer shorter women.

If the animations clip too much with your model you could always

go into the console and setscale to shrink your partner (0.8 if they were base 1) or enlarge yourself (1.2) before the action starts.



After climax, the action still ends too abruptly, and the actors are still in odd facings. I'm working on it.


For the blowjob animation I use the dog pant as the male sound effect - could be better.




Here's Kimba showing her appreciation for the defence of Bigtown :)


She's not scaled - just the default. Way off target to start but adjusted with Y and U






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  • 3 months later...

labrat what is next for you m8' date=',,,Fallout 3 or New Vegas..



Sticking to FO3....but still playing with Oblivion, and just upgraded the machinery so have reinstalled Skyrim and want to see what's happening there.


So much fun...so little time to have it in....

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