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[REQ] leather straps armour

Unknown Master

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So I'm basically looking for a bondage restraints type "armour" for CBBE curvy and I'm probably retarded but I could not for the life of me find any... the only specific thing I'm looking for is that the boobs are exposed and that the set has leg gear similar to the below pic (but obviously more erotic)

Any help is appreciated, my character is currently freezing naked in the Skyrim cold poor lass :P


[EDIT] I would rather not download any separate script mod (ie- Devious Devices) as I have a rather religious flat mate and I would hate to fuck up my save by repeatedly de-activating script heavy mods whenever he graces me with his presence...  

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There is a mod kicking around somewhere here that has the leather harness from DD Assets with it's own esp, I have it myself and converted it to UUNP. Can't seem to find it right now though. 

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