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Is there an Operators Manual for Sexlab 1.59?


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  I've been trying to figure out how to apply my own expressions in Sexlab, and failing.

Normally I would RTFM (read the fucking manual) before I go begging for help, but I

can't find any useful documentation beyond the brief descriptions in the Sexlab MCM.

I'm sick of looking at the toothy grimace (that's supposed to be a smile) whenever my

character gets boned.

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I am just writing the SexLab 1.61 "manual" (included in SexLabFramework.psc)


And the "Expression" part is really lacking of advanced info and examples.

I did some advanced documentation for Hooks, Animations, Actors, and a few other elements, but I left Expressions were they were.



Time for me to investigate and provide some documentation.




Use ShowRaceMenu, go in where the expression sliders are, and try to set the expression you want.

Record all the values for the phonems, expression modifiers, Mod Type and mood Value.


Then create a float array (or a int array, it does not matter) (I am calling it "Presets")

And set the values in this order:

Phonemes from position 0 to position 15
Modifiers from position 16 to position 29
Mood Type in position 30
Mood Value in position 31
Then try sslBaseExpression.ApplyPreset(ActorRef, Presets) to apply it on your actor.
Another time I will find how to have this set of presets directly set to a custom ssxExpression, to be used with more ease.
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 Thanks, CPU... but your instructions went completely over my head. Are you suggesting I write some sort

of script? All I wanted to do was to be able to save and apply expressions through the Sexlab MCM, assuming

that feature is working in 1.59. I could see where one seems to have the option to apply a different expression

for each stage of the animation, and I tried filling in the slots, but I get no visible changes during sex, other than

a different expression during some rape animations or those added by the creator of the animation. The default

expression that comes up for editing is 'happy'; although damned if I know which expression category is being

applied during the animations.

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I am not using 1.59 anymore. I am fully with 1.61 beta 3, and 1.60 HF2.


I am not used to the MCM menu for expressions, never used it.


I know what is going on behind the scenes, but I never really used this function in one of my mods.

I may have a look tomorrow (bed time for me) to the 1.60 HF2 version, and let you know what I figured out.


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