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Cyber War


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In the battle for the future, there is mixed news from the front:


Facebook has announced that they support the latest bid to rip up the US constitution and trample the bits into the mud. HR3523 is coming up the Cyber Intelligence Protection Act and Facebook have told all their loyal customers to support it. Apparently giving government and private agencies unprecedented powers of eavesdropping "will help in the war against hacking". It has been pointed out that the targets considered to date have all been suspected of file-sharing, not hacking.


Google has been fined $25,000 dollars (c20,000 Euros), not so much for the crime of eavesdropping on WiFi systems, but for deliberately obstructing the investigation and delaying it (presumably while evidence disappeared). This shows just how much your privacy is worth, a week's doughnut budget.


In comparison, Oracle - the people behind Java - are suing Google for $1 billion for nicking bits of Java to use in Android without due credit.


On a more positive note. David Martin, the Rapporteur to the EU on ACTA has made his report. He is the guy nominated to look carefully at proposed legislation and authorised to report to the EU before Parliament decides whether to ratify it or not.


David Martin, he say "NO!".


He was brought in as a replacement because the previous Rapporteur resigned in protest at the way he thought ACTA was being insinuated. Now David Martin's report concludes that ACTA is dangerous to the liberty of the individual and should be rejected unanimously by the EU. Of course, parliament can ignore him, but then people might ask who or what influenced them.


Twenty-two of the member states have independently signed up to something which may/may not be eventually binding, as a way of saying that they would go with it if it got passed. Some people have since expressed concern that they were misled (E.G. Poland)


Remember kiddies. This is a real cold war being waged by people who want to control you. And they don't think like you and they don't like how you think. It will be a lot harder to fight back if they succeed in tying you up and gagging you.


Resistance is fertile :)



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I bet they're really regretting having invented tor right about now.


It's TOR and its children that they are desperate to kill. The weakest point in TOR systems is between your ISP and you. The new laws that they want to bring in give them authority to divert that last link in the chain through their own servers. No need to chase your contacts, they can steal the info off your plate.

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on a related note mitt romney announced that he will rewrite the us constitution if he is elected' date=' the more i hear republicans talk now a days the more i think they are attempting to push the public into revolt.



It is bad or bad anymore. The current dick cheese we have as pres just issues executive orders when he doesn't get his way so it is a question of rewriting or just ignoring the constitution.


Both choices are bad. :(


Maybe we just bite the bullet and having no politicians for the next 4 years and see how incredibly good that would be. I don't know of any pressing issues that need laws so what could be the harm?


Didn't some country in Europe just try this?

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Guest Donkey

on a related note mitt romney announced that he will rewrite the us constitution if he is elected' date=' the more i hear republicans talk now a days the more i think they are attempting to push the public into revolt.



You get what you vote for. :P That is why i never vote anymore. All politiciens are freaking liers.


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Who cares who votes? is going to decide who the "owners of the world" and they do what they say by far that promise to the people.


Oh and I have gone vein XP conspiracy, calm, solar storms end of the year will provide an opportunity for countries with atomic bombs to end most "rich countries" starting the expected "golden age of the Maya" for underdeveloped countries.


And if all else fails we can always blame Nexus.


Leaving behind the jokes, this serious matter that is simmering, I knew that the "ACTA" going out somewhere.

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