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Packing DLC for DOALR5


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Hi I know this has been answered before and I've done some research and made some attempts but I can't figure out how to pack my own DLC for DOALR5.


What I'd like to know is how to unpack another dlc, pick out the sets that I want, and then repack it to my tastes.


Thanks in advanced.

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Here is screenshots for help you to understand.


First run Archivarius and choose the .bin from your DLC that your are looking for repack (exemple from one of my custom dlc) :




Extract them, don't forget to create a folder for know where are these files.

After, run DLC Tool, click new with the number of your dlc desired and choose the good character (with my exemple I will choose Ayane because this is a Ayane costume that I extracted).

Put the files that you got from Archivarius, don't forget to choose a number slot (with my exemple I put 30 because Ayane have some free slots) and save.

(Add a character and do the same step if you want make a big pack).






It should created a folder with your number dlc, drag it in your DOA5LR - DLC folder and you know the rest I guess.

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