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Inquiry: Mod Adoption Etiquette

Game Goblin

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Probably the wrong place to ask, but it's an adult mod so I'm poking my nose in the adult mod section for this question. An abandoned mod has been laying around collecting dust for about 10 months and I want to jump in with a pair of paddles and jump start it back to life. Here's the details...


According to the header of the mod itself;


File Name: [Abandoned]Slave Town - A Player Slavery Mod

File Submitter: IAmTheOneWhoKnocks

File Submitted: 19 Apr 2014



The author, IAmTheOneWhoKnocks - has an inactive/deleted account, his name is listed on the support forum but not on the information pages.

First uploaded to LL in April, and last updated in October 2014. So it hasn't been touched in 10 months.

The file name itself includes [Abandoned].


My scope and purpose would be to grab the .ESP and begin tooling around and improving it as I go. Also to use it as a learning tool. (Reading about electrical repairs teaches me little, ripping out the wires to see where the yellow one goes and where the red one connects teaches me much.)


For now, I am a super-noob, cape and all. Comfortable in editing dialogue and just now experimenting with building custom NPCs. So I can not even attempt to do a big glossy overhaul. And after my first test run, it could use a facelift, but not an overhaul.


Likewise my toolbox is rather limited right now as I get fluent with the crash creation kit.


So what my inquiry boils down to is A: Is it okay to adopt this mod, tinker around with it, and re-release it?


(Like I said I'm Noobzilla to both modding and the intricate customs of the LL community. and Id'e rather keep my stinky feet out of my mouth.)

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My personal suggestion: 

Do your work to the mod. Get it READY for release. ATTEMPT one last time to contact the mod author. Take SCREENSHOTS OF THESE ATTEMPTS.


Release the mod. In the description make sure to credit the original author for the work they have done. 

PLAINLY STATE that this is NOT YOUR MOD, that you are just FIXING problems you've found with it. 

That SHOULD get you around MOST problems that you'll encounter, as you are not taking credit for any of the work, except for your work to fix the mod and make it current. 

However, I'm not 110% on this. A moderator here at LL or someone with some more knowledge about how all of these things work might be able to give you better insight.

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if the mod author labeled it as abandoned it is imo up for grabs. I myself would update the mod and release it crediting of course the original author and those who's resources he or she used. you should also probably attempt to contact the author but if they cannot be reached or do not respond just go forward with your bit as I said labeling a mod abandoned it as good as saying please take it over

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I'd love to see this mod further developed as I thought it had lots of promise. I've been looking through some other mods which have been taken up by new authors - you might have a look at how WraithSlayer worded his re-work of Radiant Prostitution - http://www.loverslab.com/topic/50094-radiant-prostitution-310-28-jul-2015.


In the original mod I always thought that the initial 'training' was rather feeble - a little light whipping is supposed to break the mighty dragonborn - phhh!


Anyway best of luck with this project.

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