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Any reason for a small area to crash the game?


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This happens to me in FONV. There is like an invisible wall, as soon as I cross the line the game seems to be processing real hard, I can hear the hard drive working, fps starts to stutter and crash.


The area is around north west Vegas near the entrance to Westside. just a bit west of the h&H tool factory in the east, it goes north to the electrical transformer station and south almost to the thorn, cant approach from the playground between the buildings from SE either.


What could corrupt an area, is it a cell that somehow got screwed up, some repetitive script crashing the game? Turned all the mods off and still got the crash. Hope someone here has seen this and somehow fixed it. Any suggestions welcome.

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I've had numerous random crashed around that area in various different playthroughs and even different saves of the same playthrough. Others have also reported frequent crashes in the Westside area, the only way I found of bypassing it was going there by Sewer (westside itself is fine, but everything around is not)


Doing a clean save and uninstalling all my mods/plugins and then reinstalling them fixed the problem on one occasion.


Here is some *possibly* useful information on the issue, plus a nice tweak guide at the end on page 2:



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Yea, was reading about others having some crashes there as well. I noticed something a bit odd when I opened the console at load up. It shows me "sexout ngmain debug is (some numbers)" and sexout script is(some numbers)"

And the kicker is I disabled sexout so it should not be referencing anything. Maybe I should take this to tech support there.

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Ok so it was not sexout, had a resource still running. Loaded up another character and westside was fine, so this is something to do with the current play through, the bummer is it's a damn long playthrough. I read on another forum that deleting some objects in CS can solve this problem, buildings non essential npc's in the area..etc

But damn that seems a bit a extreme, I don't want the place to look like a nuke ground zero.

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It's more than likely a corrupt save. The same thing happened to mine (a really good playthrough too) and I solved it by deleting *everything* mod or plugin related. I started a new game with a different character, went to westside, and saved there.


I then loaded up my old good playthrough (which was apparently corrupt) only this time it worked - I went there and it didn't crash.


Give that a try.

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Will give that a go Chancellor, though it's more then one save that causes west side to crash on this character, but like 20, if I go to early saves westside doesn't crash, so something happened somewhere after a certain point, a pretty early point as I had to go back almost to the beginning to have westside area work. Worse case I'll dissect the whole area in CS as I have almost all the weapons collected and finished the DLC's. Thanks.

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Yea no go, might need to try and edit some things. The good news is I can get into westside through the sewers, then just fast travel when needed. The dead zone is not that big so could just avoid it for now. Likely some script looping causing this. Thanks for the help gents.

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Interestingly, same thing is happening to me outside of Primm, near to the Gecko's roaming by the small spring surrounded by broc flowers. I go anywhere near there and bam, crash to desktop.


EDIT: Well, disabling all my mods seems to have fixed the problem. Hopefully, on re-activation, they won't resurface.

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Glad you could resolve that at least. Speaking of Geckos, every time I go to Goodsprings these days there is a single Gecko rampaging through the center of town, usually killing someone. It scared of everyone near the camp from the repopulated wasteland mod as well, permanently. So I arrive, put a bullet in it's head, console resurrect any dead and get on with it. Still pretty odd it keeps on spawning the little bastard.

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