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Add item to NPC by race?

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I have VERY LITTLE scripting knowledge, and i think this ought to be simple, but in my searches i cannot find a way to do what i want to with a script.
Here's what I want it to do.
Find every npc of a specific race within an area, equip them with an item (a tail, in this case) and somehow avoid causing a great deal of lag.
A player character furry is nice, but as an ambitious shithead, I want to replace all of one race with mice. (partially to see if i Can do the aforementioned tails automagically)
this is strictly a scripting matter, because unless I can put tails on the converted race, i don't wanna bother with aesthetics unless I'm sure this can work.
how simple is it to actually do this, and how much pressure would it put on the scripting?




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array_var Entry
ref actor
Begin GameMode
    foreach Entry <- (GetRefs 42, 1) ; for each NPC in current or adjacent cell
        let actor := *Entry
        if actor.GetIsRace SomeRace
            if (actor.GetItemCount MyTail) == 0
                actor.AddItem MyTail 1
                actor.EquipItem MyTail

Stick that in standard delay quest and I don't think you'll have any performance issues. Optimally: Skip the loop and quest and use an actor OnLoad event instead.

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