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Prices not changing


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There's a few mods that the items they add seem ridiculously over priced, so I changed the value with CSE, but the prices in game don't change. I even started a new game. Namely, the biggest one that bothered me was BPN, the price for a canteen full of water was 200 gold, value in CSE showed 65, I changed it to 20, but it still costs 200 from vendors. 


Active Mod Files:

00  Oblivion.esm
01  Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm
02  All Natural Base.esm  [Version 1.34]
03  Cobl Main.esm  [Version 1.72]
04  Harvest[Containers].esm
05  Harvest[Containers] - Flat-Top Barrels Add-on.esm
06  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm
07  CyrodiilUpgradeResourcePack.esm
08  Armamentarium.esm  [Version 1.35]
09  CLS-Craftybits.esm
0A  A_Bloody_Mess.esm
0B  Lovers with PK.esm
0C  TamagoClub.esm
0D  HiyokoClub.esm
0E  LoversCreature.esm
0F  Fundament.esm  [Version ision]
10  Oblivion Sexualized Monsters.esm
11  HorseCombatMaster.esm
12  ShieldOnBack.esm  [Version 3.4.1]
13  Oblivifall Master File.esm  [Version 1.2]
14  CustomSpellIcons - OBME.esm
15  SDR.esm  [Version 8.250]
++  Icon Overhaul.esp
16  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.5.1]
17  DLCShiveringIsles.esp
18  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.5.5]
19  All Natural.esp  [Version 1.35]
1A  All Natural - SI.esp  [Version 1.35]
1B  Immersive Interiors.esp  [Version 0.8.1]
++  Symphony of Violence.esp
1C  Immersive Interiors - Bravil.esp  [Version 2.01]
1D  Immersive Interiors - Landscape Addon.esp
1E  OBSE-Storms & Sound SI.esp
1F  All Natural - Real Lights.esp  [Version 1.35]
++  300_Random_Clutter.esp
20  CampfireBehavior.esp  [Version 3.0]
21  WindowLightingSystem.esp
22  Ayleid Loot EXtension.esp
23  CoO1.esp
24  Ducks and Swans.esp
25  EquipmentConvertor.esp
26  Fishing in Cyrodiil.esp
27  Menu and Camera Toggler.esp  [Version 1.1]
28  moDem's City Life fixed .esp
++  NPCs Eat More.esp
29  More_Animals.esp
2A  moregems.esp
2B  P1DanywhereSittable.esp
**  Camping - Natural Interiors Patch.esp
2C  See You Sleep DLL.esp
2D  Camping.esp
++  Regrowing Nirnroot - Dissappear Reappear.esp  [Version 1.01]
**  OSM-All Genders.esp
2E  PTFallingStars.esp
2F  Ravens and Seagulls.esp
++  Rare - LockPick_RepairHammer.esp
30  TreasureChest.esp
31  TreasureChest - ALEX for OOO.esp
32  Willful Resistance.esp
33  Enhanced Economy.esp  [Version 5.4.3]
34  Better Thiefloot.esp
35  Pitcher Plant and Lily Ingredients.esp
36  Q - More and Moldy Ingredients v1.1.esp
37  Skyrim Ingredients.esp
38  Immersive Travelers.esp
39  PTRoamingNPCs.esp
3A  Container Menu Support.esp
3B  FormID Finder4.esp
3C  kuerteeSittableRocks.esp
3D  sycNiceToMeetYou.esp
3E  Quest Log Manager.esp  [Version 1.3.2]
3F  Spell Delete And Item Remove.esp
40  Map Marker Overhaul.esp  [Version 3.9.3]
41  Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp  [Version 3.9.3]
42  RM Hot Potion and Poison.esp  [Version 1.0]
++  Better Unique Items.esp
43  Enhanced Hotkeys.esp  [Version 2.3.1]
44  Alluring Books.esp
45  SpeechcraftEnhanced.esp
46  CALSUDG.esp
++  VA_FemmeDaedricHelmet.esp
47  Farolillo.esp
48  MyStuff.esp
49  Random Welkynd and Varla Stones.esp
4A  XSPipeMod.esp  [Version 1.2]
4B  StockClothingArmorBBBHGEC_Standard_ECupLBotPPN.esp
4C  Slof's Horses Base.esp
4D  Slof's Extra Horses.esp
++  RealBanditsAndHighwaymen.esp
4E  Wolf Diversity.esp
4F  Cobl Glue.esp  [Version 1.72]
++  Cobl Tweaks.esp  [Version 1.44]
++  CB-Cobl_Glue.esp
50  Cobl Si.esp  [Version 1.63]
51  Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp
++  ArmamentariumLL.esp  [Version 1.35]
++  ArmamentariumLLVendors.esp  [Version 1.35]
++  ArmamentariumLLMagic.esp  [Version 1.35]
52  Alluring Wine Bottles.esp
++  ArmamentariumLLArmaVendor.esp  [Version 1.35]
++  Harvest[Containers] - Vanilla - Ore Respawn.esp
++  Harvest[Containers] - SI - Ore Respawn.esp
++  Harvest[Containers] - Flat-Top Barrels Add-on.esp
53  ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp  [Version 1.35]
54  Smarter Bandits.esp
55  Cyrodiil transportation network 1.3.esp
56  Bandit Hideouts.esp
57  Better Benirus Manor - Helping Hands.esp  [Version 2.01]
58  BrotherhoodRenewed.esp  [Version 1.1.2]
59  Fighters Guild Quests.esp
5A  Hidden Treasures.esp
5B  Kvatch Rebuilt.esp  [Version 3.0]
5C  Kvatch Rebuilt - No More Burned Ground.esp
5D  LetThePeopleDrink.esp  [Version 2.61]
5E  Leyawiin Bridge.esp
5F  LostSwordOfTheAylied.esp
++  LostSwordOfTheAylied_delayer.esp
60  LostTreasures1.1.esp
61  Mages Guild Quests.esp
62  MrPwner's Marihuana Mod.esp
63  Quest-Related Dungeons Marked.esp
64  Secret Sanctuary v1.esp
65  Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop.esp
66  Stonehenge.esp
67  Tavern-Goers 2.esp
68  The Siren's Deception.esp
69  TheElderCouncil.esp
6A  TheElderCouncil_TempleOfTheOne.esp
6B  Treasure Maps Blood Ransom.esp
6C  Treasure Maps_Boethia's Burden.esp
6D  treasure maps captus demus.esp
6E  Treasure Maps Meridias Womb.esp
6F  Treasure_Maps_The_Legend_Of_Jauffres_Gold.esp
70  Treasure Maps Revenge Of The Nords.esp
71  Trolls Under Bridges.esp
72  BrumaMGRestored.esp
++  EDI - Aggression Fix.esp
73  Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp
74  Grass Overhaul.esp
75  Rooftop Rewards cleaned.esp
76  Oblivifall - Losing My Religion.esp  [Version 1.43]
++  Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
77  Harvest [Flora].esp  [Version 3.0.0]
++  A Bloody Mess - Armor Shader Supression.esp
++  A Bloody Mess - Arena Wash Basin.esp
++  A Bloody Mess_Fix.esp
++  DaedricRequirements.esp
78  A Bloody Mess - Bloody Fights.esp
79  HUD Status Bars.esp  [Version 5.3.2]
7A  Finite Ammo.esp
7B  GuildAdvancement.esp
7C  Kyoma's Journal Mod.esp  [Version 3.2.1]
++  more books teach.esp
7D  kuerteeInventoryIsABackpack.esp
++  More Lockpicks.esp
7E  MWStyleSpriggansV.1.2.esp
7F  PersuasionOverhaul.esp  [Version 1.43]
80  RedBag - Friendly Animals.esp
81  kuerteeGoldIsAnInventoryItem.esp
82  Rowboats.esp
83  SetsunaDummyTraining.esp
84  TrollResurrection.esp  [Version EPIC]
85  TweakAthleticsNoSpeed.esp
++  CLS-Craftybits_A_Bloody_Mess-Glue.esp  [Version 1.1]
86  CLS-Craftybits.esp
++  CB-Weights_Hard.esp
87  CLS-Craftybits_A_Bloody_Mess-Glue-Ragplacer.esp
88  Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp  [Version 5.4.3]
89  Alternative Beginnings.esp  [Version 1.4.3]
8A  Alternative Beginnings - Kvatch Intact.esp  [Version 3.0]
8B  Battle.esp
8C  SomeRealism.esp
8D  DiseaseImmunity.esp
8E  AdvancedHealthRegen.esp
8F  Basic Primary Needs.esp  [Version 6.3]
90  Basic Personal Hygiene.esp  [Version 3.0]
91  BPH_InnsHaveTubs.esp
92  Basic Physical Activities.esp  [Version 1.3]
93  MadCompanionshipSpells.esp  [Version 2.5]
94  MCS extension.esp
95  RefScope.esp  [Version 2.1.2]
96  SetBody.esp
97  spellshield2.esp
98  RshAlchemy.esp
99  RshAlchemyRecipes.esp
9A  ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp
9B  ZumbsLockpickingMod - Hide Difficulty Addon.esp
9C  Enhanced Grabbing.esp  [Version 0.5]
9D  SM Hand Combat.esp  [Version 1.0]
++  SDR_Oblivion.esp  [Version 8.230]
9E  SDR_OBME additions [Oblivion].esp  [Version 1.21]
++  MagesGuildSkillRewards.esp
9F  HumantouchNPC.esp
A0  nGCD.esp
A1  zzEDialog.esp
**  Cava Obscura - Cyrodiil.esp
**  Cava Obscura - SI.esp
**  Cava Obscura - Filter Patch For Mods.esp
++  Script effect - Bash icon.esp  [Version 1.01]
A2  Glowing Respawning Varla & Welkynd Stones 14-28 Days.esp
A3  Kanin Race.esp
A4  Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp  [Version 2.0]
A5  Birthsigns Expanded.esp
A6  reopenGates.esp  [Version 0.9]
A7  Reading Takes Time.esp
**  GW71_Life_Detect.esp
A8  Automatic Timescale.esp  [Version 1.1.1]
++  DBED - 7 murders Level delay.esp  [Version 1.0]
++  LessRain.esp
A9  qazFingerSnap.esp
++  MD No more Sleeper Agents.esp
++  normal_ghost.esp
AA  Light Sleepers v1.0.esp
**  All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp  [Version 1.35]
++  Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp
AB  Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp  [Version 01]
AC  OblivionReloaded.esp
AD  LandMagicPatch.esp
AE  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
AF  TamagoNews.esp
B0  TamagoTopic.esp
B1  TamagoDischarge.esp
B2  LoversTamagoClub.esp
B3  LoversHiyokoShooter.esp
B4  LoversEncounter.esp
B5  HiyokoQuestTarget.esp
B6  HiyokoFutureDream.esp  [Version y]
B7  HiyokoGenerator.esp
B8  HiyokoGeneratorBroodMother.esp
B9  HiyokoGeneratorGeneForge.esp
BA  hggf_hiyokoclub_fix.esp
BB  TamagoSetBody.esp
BC  LoversAdultPlayPlusforSSP.esp
BD  LoversVoiceSSPplus.esp
BE  LoversHooker.esp  [Version 2.2]
BF  LoversAdultPlayPlusforSSP_HookerPatch.esp
C0  LoversRaperS.esp
C1  LoversStalkerM.esp
C2  LoversStalkerMN.esp
C3  LoversBed.esp
C4  PlayerSlaveEncounters.esp  [Version 0.694]
C5  PSE-SeeYouSleepDLL.esp
C6  LoversPayBandit.esp
C7  PSE-PayBandit-Patch.esp
C8  Lovers with PK.esp  [Version 96v5]
C9  LoversBitch.esp
CA  PSELoversBitchPatch.esp
CB  LoversCreature.esp
CC  LoversSoundCreature.esp  [Version 0.1.0]
CD  LoversSpermSplashEx.esp
CE  LoversSituations.esp
CF  LoversProstitute.esp
D0  LoversTrueCrimeEx.esp
D1  LoversGGBlackmail.esp
D2  LoversSlaveTrader.esp
D3  LSTBravilUnderground.esp
D4  LSTaddonInH.esp
D5  FuroGeneratorTrap.esp
D6  xlds.esp
D7  xldsFuro.esp
D8  LoversLight.esp
D9  LAPF Afterglow.esp
DA  LoversSatisfaction.esp
DB  LoversSexSense.esp  [Version 0.3]
DC  LoversChorus.esp
DD  LoversSoundVolumeDown.esp
DE  LoversAchievments.esp
DF  Slof's Dogs.esp
E0  NBB.esp
E1  MoreFemales.esp
E2  DynamicLeveledLists.esp
E3  GBRsAntiCTD.esp
E4  LoversMB2.esp
E5  Lovers3dorgasmMB2.esp
E6  LoversIdleAnimsPriority.esp
E7  Lovers3dorgasm.esp
E8  LoversAnimObjectsPriority.esp

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Is that something that is merged into your Bashed Patch?


I'd look there first with TES4Edit, which you can also use to edit the data directly too. If you find it is you may want to just rebuild your Bashed Patch at this point, so it picks up those ESP edits via CS/E


Or if it is just a one-off quick edit and you may have others, use TES4Edit for now. At the end of editing, any of the ESPs you have loaded and made edits too, it will prompt you to save.


Only downside of editing your Bashed Patch this way, those edits may get overwritten next time you rebuild your Bashed Patch. You can also use CS/E to edit your Bashed Patch, versus rebuilding over and over.


More than one way to skin an ESP, or Bashed Patch.

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That's a strange one. After changing the price of the object and saving the ESP, the price change you made does stay to the new value, yes?


Did you try deleting the priced changed object from the vendor's inventory and then re-add it? I don't know if that is it but worth a try.

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Well, I was still early in play testing some other stuff, so I deleted the saves, double checked BPN in CSE and TES4Edit, and the prices are what I set them to. Deleted the bashed patch, deleted the esp foe Dynamic Leveled Lists and redid that, started a new game again, and still not changing. It adds 3 empty canteens at new game start, which I had changed from original 65 gold to 10 gold, and still no change. I'll try deleting what it gives and re-adding them.


Edit: Nope, they still show up as 65 gold


Edit: Problem solved. The ini has an override that keeps canteen cost at 65, adjusted that and all prices are now adjusted accordingly. When a canteen of water, which was also 65 gold, is bought, the ini price of a canteen is added to it, making a canteen full of water much more expensive than a good bottle of wine. SMH

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