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Odins Magazines Pipboy Icons


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Attached two sets of pipboy icons for 'Odins Magazines' covers, (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48903/?)


OdinMagazinePipboyIcons_NipAndTucked.7z - Basically all magazines made black and white and shrunk.


OdinMagazinePipboyIcons_NipTuckedInked.7z - All magazines made black and white then 'ink pen' converted then despeckled, fiddled with and



Unzip in data or use a mod organizer of some sort. (Well either MO or FOMM).


Also attached 'mags.txt' which contains the commands for adding the magazines to your inventory for testing purposes. Place in the FNV root directory, and run 'bat mags.txt' from console when in game.




Odin68, (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/2622031/? ) for original set of magazine covers.









This is just for magazine cover icons, not skill book icons.

Probably not perfect, but I couldn't find any icons for these magazine covers on the interweb. So consider it a stop gap till someone artistic comes along.

You don't need to install the esp from odin68's mod if just want the 'real' world magazine covers but not the display shelf in Goodsprings gas station. (i.e. just install the textures from that package. Then whichever pipboy icon set from this message.)











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