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Lighting On The Player


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Is it just me or are the shaddows on the player far too dark?


It seems as if shaddows applied to the player are exactly the same regardless of wether the player is in a light or dark environment, which means your armour looks great while dungeon diving but the moment the sun shines the shaded side of the player is waaay too dark.


Screenshot in a light environment:



Screenshot in a dark environment:



The following screenshot was a test using 100% vanilla lighting and should demonstrate what I mean as it uses the darkest animal and armour I could find. The player is standing with their back to the sun and both the player and the wolf are so underexposed that masses of detail on the clothes and fur disappear in to blackness despite it being a nice sunny day:




I've searched in vain for a mod which tackles this problem but found nothing, which seems strange given how much effort people put in to ENB's and other lighting mods like ELFX, which has got me wondering whether there's something up with my computer and I'm the only one getting this? Or do people just don't worry about how the player is shaded?



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Thanks, I've already got facelight and it works great for the face but does nothing for the body. It's method of simply adding a light is also a bit crude as you get odd things like your face creating a patch of light on doors and walls when you walk up to them, which on a full body version may end up with the light shining out your ass when you sit down.

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