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adjust belt


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I found a nice belt that I want my char to wear, but it's way too loose around the waist (sticks out a lot).  Is there a way to tighten its appearance without going into 3dsmax/blender world?  I tried adjusting scale in nifskope, and that seemed to do nothing at all.  If it mattersr, the item doesnt have a body in the .nif.

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10 steps to resizing any mesh:


1.) Get Bodyslide 2 with Outfit support.


2.) Start it through Mod Organizer


3.) Click "Open outfit studio"


4.) Click File then Load Outfit


5.) Click Load from NIF radial and select the NIF file from the drop down box


6.) Once it loads Click File then Load Reference


7.) Click use an existing slider set, and select your Body NIF in the drop downbox.


8.) This will load the belt and the body you are using so you can reference while you make edits. In the right side the window it has a list of meshes. Select the mesh that is the belt and manipulate it with the brush to your liking. Once you are done and satisfied.


9.) Click file -> export current -> export nif and save it as the same name as it was before (Id back up the original first!)


10.) Test it in game, if its not to your liking try again.

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I found a nice belt that I want my char to wear, but it's way too loose around the waist (sticks out a lot).  Is there a way to tighten its appearance without going into 3dsmax/blender world?  I tried adjusting scale in nifskope, and that seemed to do nothing at all.  If it mattersr, the item doesnt have a body in the .nif.


There's a way to fix stuff, by adjusting positions or even rescaling on nifskope without bothering to go on 3Dmax/Blender.


You adjusted the size in nifskope, but like me you forgot a step to save the changes : when adjusting the position, you need to right-click on the Nitrishape concerning the part you'd like to change, Transform > Apply. It saves the modification of the position/rescaling. Then save your .nif.


You're set after that !

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I found a nice belt that I want my char to wear, but it's way too loose around the waist (sticks out a lot).  Is there a way to tighten its appearance without going into 3dsmax/blender world?  I tried adjusting scale in nifskope, and that seemed to do nothing at all.  If it mattersr, the item doesnt have a body in the .nif.


don't forget to hit "apply" when you edit the position.

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