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Animu and Mango Discussion Thread


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Just watched/read something and you just need to get something off your chest? You're in the right place.



Alright, so normally when I finish watching an anime (well anything really) I usually feel happy, sad, "oh god that was badass", etc, but I no matter what, I feel fulfilled and continue on with my life.


This wasn't the case for Shiki. I was just mortified by it to the point that it took half the day for me to get my mind off of it for a while.


Following will be spoiler tagged just to be safe.



From the start I was rather sad since Megumi (best fucking character ever) dies right at the start. My first thought was "Oh it's no problem, she'll just become a shiki and it'll be a story about her life as a shiki". Oh how I was wrong. In a split second she went from the focus of the show to barely showing up. In any other show a main character dying would just feel normal or whatever (like Kamina dying, as he died in a glorious manner), but Megumi dying just did not feel right. Maybe it's just my inner father inside of me that just felt horrible over a young girl dying like that, maybe it was just the fact that they made her out as a normal teenage girl that just wanted to leave the village and pursue her dreams but all that stolen from her, maybe it was due to the fact that Megumi was more similar to me than any other character I've seen in a show (and no I don't walk around with pink twin tails and goth/scene/emo clothes).


Something else that I'm sure attributed to the overall feeling was how they gave nearly every character a background and made them feel human instead of just some characters in a show. This makes the people dying and rising as shiki feel personal almost. It also makes you feel sorry for the villagers that they have to go through all this...until...


Until Doctor Badass shows them that the Shiki are the cause for the deaths and then the whole village goes on a killing spree. At first, I was all "Fuck yeah, kick their ass!" and then I saw how they went about doing this. When they attacked the shiki I didn't see humans defending their village, I saw monsters slaughtering defenseless creatures. The way the writers turned the tables just made me horribly confused on how to feel. This was just made even worse in the first special episode where it shows Nao's story and how she only wanted her family to become shiki so they could live together forever, but not a single one rose so she was alone and scared. Then when they're in the irrigation thing it showed the horror of what was going on. When the villagers ran out of stakes that kill the shiki quickly did they return to the village to get more? No, they tied the shiki by the legs and staked the ropes to the ground outside so they would slowly burn to death when the sun rose. It was just horrible watching Nao screaming in agony as she burned and melted. Luckily, one of the villagers who was probably the only sane one got his makeshift spear and killed them all to put them out of their pain. That episode...it was horrible (not meaning that the episode was bad, by the way).



The final thing that did it for me was when Megumi was trying to get away from the village. She says to herself that she only needed to go a bit farther and she'd be able to live out her dream of living in the big city. When she crossed the road, the villagers saw her and kept running her over with tractors as she screamed. These weren't the screams of a vicious shiki trying to get free to cause more pain to other, these were the screams of a 15 year old girl that just wanted to go away and leave everyone alone. What happened to her was just...bad and I hate thinking about it as, like I said, she's the greatest character ever. :(






On the brighter side of things, Shiki made me realize that a t-shirt and no pants is way hotter than nothing at all.


Oh and the big, muscly old guy is a fucking badass.


Another "oh and"



The Natsune and Tohru stuff and the scenes showing Tohru and Ricchan's staked corpses embracing each other made me cry like a bitch.





I give it 10 :( out of 10

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Kana little Sister was too much for me. It's a VN so not really manga or anime but related enough I think. I really love the story, but I think if I had to watch/read it again I think I would just jump out the window, lol.


That being said, I don't find many animes good because they have so many many stereotypes that you see over and over again. But there are a few gems to be found, gems like Haibane Renmei or Ergo Proxy.


Oh, and Nier. Yeah it' a JRPG, but really, if you like dark stories, Nier is the way to go. Every inch of that game feels bleak and depressing. And if something good happens, something even worse happens in response.


Well, just my 2 cents.

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