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[REQ] Social Status


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I would love to see a mod that adds social status to the game.


Like this: if the player wears beggars rags they won't be spoken to by random people, may receive some money randomly from npcs, some store owners won't sell to them/ask them to leave.


If the player wears Fine clothes they sometimes get discounts at stores/inns, they are a targets for pickpocketers.


If a player wears a collar/is a slave no one will sell to them, speak to them, they will be told to leave the store/inn, are at a higher risk for rape/abuse/pickpocketing, any Fine clothes/anything of real value that are worn would be removed by npcs as being improper.


Wearing badass armor would result in higher prices at stores/inns, some npcs running and hiding from the player, not speaking to the player, sometimes being turned away at inns/stores, guards following player, and all random quests by misc npcs would be available.


Wearing normal npc clothes the player would not receive all those amazingly tough quests like fetching a claw from a mountain, but would include quests like collecting flowers... prices at stores/inns would normal, npcs would speak with the player.


I have been wanting something like this for a long time because it can be so immersion breaking when everyone treats you the same no matter what you look like.

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That's more or less the reputation system from Oblivion. If you take the Nord culture as dominant, were social progress is not achieved by wealth but by bravery and honour, it would make little sense to judge a person on it's clothes. See that beggar in Solitude: why is he allowed to roam the streets, in the richest city of Skyrim? Maybe because he did fight in the army, for Skyrim. And out of respect, he is allowed to live his life the way he wants.

Also, the NPCs judge the Dragonborn by his achievements in battle - you know, "conjure me a warm bed" / "best offense is the best defence" etc. That may be the equivalent to the system you described.

Just something to consider, of course.

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