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[REQ] Got Milk? - can someone make this please?


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We have 2 mods (maybe more) that have lactation.

Soul Gem Oven II

Milk Mod Economy


We also have Non-SexLab Animations pack that has TWO breast feeding animations (one MF and one FF)


I have no idea how simple or difficult this is, but can we get a mod that checks for the existence of one (or both) of those mods and interacts with them such that it adds a dialogue to offer milk "right from the tap" to an NPC or follower?


I believe Ed86 (Milk Mod Economy) has implemented something into his mod that makes Milk Count available to other mods.  

check THIS post


Not sure the mechanism required to check SGO but it looks like it's being done in Devious Cidhna



check if one of those mods exist

check if there is milk available


if milk is available

add a dialogue option asking the NPC if they'd like to try some very fresh milk

they answer "Oh, yes! Please!" (or something)

play one of the breastfeeding animations

--which animation to play determined by sex of NPC as only a female PC can offer milk


Additionally.... if possible...

if you open a dialogue with an NPC that has milk available (a follower, or a non-follower NPC that is a milk maid or has milk from SGO), they can offer you milk "straight from the tap".

If you select that, play one of the breast feeding animations

--which animation determined by PC gender (because whether male of female PC, the dialogue would only show if the NPC is female)

----if male PC, play MF breastfeeding animation

----if female PC, play FF breastfeeding animation



If milk is available, an NPC can "recognize" that your breasts have milk and ASK you for fresh milk, in much the same way that when using Fill Her UP, an NPC can recognize that you are bloated with cum and make comments about it.

-- "My goodness, those are lovely! And they look full."


If you agree, play one of the breast feeding animations

-- animation determined by NPC's gender (because only a female can have milk)

---- if NPC gender == male, play MF breast feeding animation

---- if NPC gender == female, play FF breast feeding animation


ALSO.... ideally....

If you have a follower (or..... nearby NPC?) and they are maxed out with milk (not exactly sure how to check that between the 2 possible milk-providing mods I mentioned), the follower could ask for relief of some of their "burden"

-- "My breasts are getting really heavy. Can you help, please?"

---- "Oh I'd be HAPPY to help you with that!"


I do not have the scripting chops to pull this off or I'd give it a go.

My HOPE is that this gets developed in such a way that it may start out as a standalone mod, but that the mod authors could incorporate the code into their mods at some point and credit whoever develops this for the code.


for example:

Milk Mod Economy - Now with GOT MILK?


Random addtional thoughts.... 'cause that's how I roll....


MCM option for chance of being approached for milk from a regular NPC

MCM option for chance to be approached by follower OFFERING milk

--or in the case of a female PC with a male follower that chance would be how likely the male follower is to approach ASKING for milk from the PC.


Anyone up for giving this a shot?


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I'm willing to take a crack at it, since I have already done the hard part (figuring out how to do it) for Devious Cidhna.  I'd view it more as a demonstration project than as a standalone mod (though it should be in playable condition by itself).  But it'd be best if quest mod authors adapted the technique to their own use - I'd expect different people to have different takes on how the dialogue should go, for example.  Or different dialogue based on different context.


What I am not inclined to do is field a never-ending series of enhancement requests for such a mod.

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I'm willing to take a crack at it, since I have already done the hard part (figuring out how to do it) for Devious Cidhna.  I'd view it more as a demonstration project than as a standalone mod (though it should be in playable condition by itself).  But it'd be best if quest mod authors adapted the technique to their own use - I'd expect different people to have different takes on how the dialogue should go, for example.  Or different dialogue based on different context.


What I am not inclined to do is field a never-ending series of enhancement requests for such a mod.


I appreciate that your willing to give it a go. If you can make this.... hopefully with as many of the "IDEALLY..." pieces as possible.... you could put it up as an EXAMPLE and state that you won't be updating it with the possible exception of a bug fix here or there. I would be most grateful if you would also clearly say that other modders are free to use the code and concept and adapt it to their own mods.


Actually.... ANYTHING you do on this would be much appreciated.


Thanks, stobor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I assume you no longer need my help, since I see you have a WIP mod along these lines.  Correct?


No, not correct! I was just impatient and wanted something for myself as I figured you were busy. :)


If you'd like to take a crack at this when you have time, that would be awesome!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Jenova23

Does this work with every npc or is it based on relationship rank? It wouldn't make sense for that option to show up unless you are romancing that character.

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