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Scripterwriter/dialogueWriter wanted for unique voiced follower : Victoria Velina


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Hello, this is snsd4203
I need a script writer who can put dialogues I made, into the npc, and who can also make very simple scripts like making the npc appears after completing a certain quest, activating certain topic after certain event..



I've been working on this project for a month now.  smile.gif
Victoria Velina is a cold blooded vampire who seeks to take revenge on those that ruined her life: vampires.
Actually she has been released for download for about a year, but the current version has overly used Skyrim follower voice, just like any other followers. I wanted to make her special. So I've been writing her emotional background story, dialogues, even her diaries. Also, I managed to get a voice actress and had her record about 250 lines. Here are some samples
 I was very so confident that I could finish this mod by myself, but there are too many technical barriers I'm facing. My Brain stops whenever I get to the dialogue part X_x There are just so many things I can't figure out, and I'm so confused  T^T

Also I'm also busy with real life works, so it's hard for me to do these works by myself...

This is why I need someone who's willing to work with me, and finish this mod. 



What I want you to do

-Write few scripts :

Velina does not appear until a player completes certain quest

Velina wears mask that covers half of her face, but it will be taken off after n battles..This will enable a new topic (about her face of course)

Velina gives player her sword that she keeps in her locked chest. Player can steal her sword prior to the event. If he/she does, she won't be able to give you the sword. 

Velina is marriable, but she will not marry you ever again if a player decides to not marry her during proposal/ceremonial. If a player says mean thing ("I never loved you anyway")to her, she will leave the service forever, and become non-essencial npc. 


-Insert dialogues I made for her:

There are about 250 lines. When creating topic/response, CK tool will ask you to record. I know modders record for 1~2 sec to create "temp" file and replace it with correct sound file that's already created before. This can be extremely painful jobs to do..replacing them one by one. So, In this case, I'll replace all the sound files, you just need to record a blank noise for couple seconds.



If you are interested, pm me. I'll provide you my organized word document that contains simple but detailed directions. 

Please help me  sad.gif

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I just wanted to say this all sounds great. I really like the background you have for her in mind and the voice acting is awesome. Reminds me very much of Serana and after all the time Serana is still my favorite NPC/follower in Skyrim, even among the modded ones. Keep it up and I hope you will find someone to help you very soon!

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I just wanted to say this all sounds great. I really like the background you have for her in mind and the voice acting is awesome. Reminds me very much of Serana and after all the time Serana is still my favorite NPC/follower in Skyrim, even among the modded ones. Keep it up and I hope you will find someone to help you very soon!



I also wanted to say good luck, i hope you are successful in completing this mod and have your vision realised. My favourite follower mod os Vilja. If you Manager to equal that it would be truly amazing. :)


I'm currently working on the dialogues part by myself. Most of them are kinda easy enough for me to do, but more complex dialogues such as marriage, witnessing certain event are challenging to me.


I'll be releasing the beta/WIP version on the nexus, and hopefully more people/modders will be aware of my needs for help :/


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