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Combining Armor Packs

Adam Jensen

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Tes5Edit with the merge script is the easiest and fastest way. As long as you read the instructions and tutorial on how to do it.



Just don't merge like script stuff with it. Some have positive results, others negative, but better safe than sorry I say. There is a forum for it as well where people post what they have successfully merged to give you a heads up on some mods.


But mostly stick to merging armors and weapons mostly. As long as they are not scripted armors and weapons, you should be fine.

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Eh, that's that whole "unsteady" ground area.


Some can be merged just fine. The script was updated to fix the whole messed up navmesh issue, so it shouldn't cause any problems.


But some just won't merge no matter what you do. Like I said earlier, avoid anything with scripts. That can cause issues if you try to merge script mods together. The only mods I ever successfully merged with scripts, was the Osare Collection (all the different Osare armor mods). But those were simple armor mods, not full out scripted mods. Some houses use scripts and such, so avoid trying to merge anything like that.


But even some basic house mods or redesigns will have issues. I tried merging together all the Noble Family houses, and that didn't go over so well. So it's really just trial and error. They do have a forum of successful merges, so I'd say check that out to see if any of the mods you are trying to merge, have already been merged, and then just go from there.



On a side note though, make sure if you are merging something, whether armor or weapons or anything, to extract the BSA that comes with it (if it has one). Then put the loose files into your folders and delete the BSA. The merged ESP that you make won't read the BSA, so you gotta extract the files out of it and put them in your folders so you don't have missing meshes/textures and such.

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