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{Request] Knocked up


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after played the alternate start mod where I was an escaped sex slave, I realized there is a lot more potential with the Alternate Start mod. I am not a modder so this is a request to maybe get something going. How about a brand new starter quest using the Alternate start Mod, but instead of starting in a guild, being an escaped sex slave, or simply camping in the woods, you wake up hung over from a big party you can't even remember. Surprise surprise, you come to find out you are with child. The main objective now is to find out who the father is. perhaps it's random, or perhaps there are an array of clues that point you in the right direction and depending on choices you make the father could be a jarl, or a smelly homeless drunk.

anyone else think this has the potential for some fun?

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I like it!

The problem would be that it would have to interface with one of the existing pregnancy mods.

There isn't a mod framework for pregnancy, so everyone who does pregnancy mods has to make their own, and they don't generally play well with each other...

So a mod like this would have to have different versions for Beeing Female, Soulgem Oven, Hentai Pregnancy, etc.

Still, it's something to think about...

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never gave birth all it kept doing was making npc and player sqaut to floor like essential npc do when they take a blow that would kill them no kids or animals where given birth i even waited 1 game month but still no brat


I think you forgot one setting, for some reason its default set to 0% to actually have a child once pregnant.


Then you get exactly that effect.


Put it at 100% and reduce the chance of getting pregnant instaed.

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