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Sleep after sex.


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Hi. I just want to ask is there any SexLab pluggin which force my sexual partner to fall asleep after sex? Im playing as the vampiress right now and it would be really useful for me. If there is nothing like this right now, is there any good modder here who could made such mod? It could work like this, that it would compare both partners stamina levels and person with lover stamina pool would fall asleep after. If someone could make mod like this I would be really, really greatful :)


Also it would be great if someone could make animation for feeding on sleeping targets, when vampire is sitting on it's victime (simillar to the girl in the picture). Is there any modder who coul make such animation?




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SexLabFramework Property SexLab Auto


Function sex(Actor _npc, Actor _player)

sslThreadModel Model = SexLab.NewThread()

actor[] activeActors = new actor[2]
activeActors[0] = _npc
activeActors[1] = _player


sslBaseAnimation[] anims = SexLab.GetAnimationsByType(2)



RegisterForModEvent("AnimationEnd_AfterSex", "AfterSex")





Event AfterSex(string eventName, string argString, float argNum, form sender)

Actor _npc = SexLab.HookActors(argString)[0]

Actor _player = SexLab.HookActors(argString)[1]

If _npc.GetActorValue("Stamina") < _player.GetActorValue("Stamina")


ElseIf _npc.GetActorValue("Stamina") > _player.GetActorValue("Stamina")






Function sleep(Actor _actor)

Debug.SendAnimationEvent(_actor, "Bedroll_LeftSleep")


[do something to wake up _actor]



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First of all, (as far as I know) you need a quest. It can be an empty quest, depending on your "mode of delivery", it just has to have the script linked


Then there are several ways to do this:

- Perk

you create a new perk that calls that script on activation

- Spell

similar to a perk, but with a spell. For the spell you need a magiceffect that calls the script

- Dialogue

in your quest you create a new Player Dialogue that, at some point, calls the script (eg "(GetOwningQuest() as Scriptname).sex(akSpeaker, Game.getPlayer())")

- Keypress (I don't know much about this yet, but it's possible; see SLSubmit, SLWerewolves)

- there might be others, but I can't think of them right now


While it seems like dark magic to you now, you can learn this yourself  :) (it's not rocketscience ;))

A good start would be here: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials

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