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Hi to you all,


Iam new to these Animations and I downloaded Zynisch Animation for Skyrim


i don't know what to do next to get the Zynisch Animation inside the game ?

I have installed SexLabFramework.v159 and GenerateFNISforUsers 

But I'm lost :) I don't know the steps


Plese someone tell me How can I play any Animation inside the game, How to start them

Sorry for my bad English



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All these things does nothing by themselves. They constitute a framework to allow sex mods to operate. You need to download mods like SexLab Submit, Prison Overhaul, Defeat, TDF prostitution... There's also Matchmaker for basic testing.


And you can still test the animations within SexLab, there's an option for that in the MCM.



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All these things does nothing by themselves. They constitute a framework to allow sex mods to operate. You need to download mods like SexLab Submit, Prison Overhaul, Defeat, TDF prostitution... There's also Matchmaker for basic testing.


And you can still test the animations within SexLab, there's an option for that in the MCM.

Thank you my friend 


I'll try them now :)

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Plese someone tell me How can I play any Animation inside the game, How to start them


You can test/play animations through SexLabFramework pretty easily if you want to test animations between yourself and a target character/NPC (2 character animations). If you have the mods installed already:


1. Register Zaz Animations with SexLab

(While in game) Esc Key -> Mod Configuration -> Zaz Animation Pack -> SexLab -> Click "SexLab Animations: Register"


2. Get SexLabTarget:

Center a character/NPC in your in-game Crosshair, then hit N key.

If you did this correctly, in top right corner it will say:

"SexLabTarget Selected: <character/NPC Name>"


3. Select Animation to Test

Esc Key -> Mod Configuration -> SexLab -> Animation Editor -> Click the "Animation" drop-down list (will show Animation: Missionary by default) -> Select The Animation you want


4. Play Animation

Esc Key -> Mod Configuration -> SexLab -> Animation Editor -> Click "Play Animation Click Here"


Default Animation Hotkeys (Esc Key -> Mod Configuration -> SexLab -> Player Hotkeys)

End: Stops the current animation

Space Bar: Makes animation go to the next stage


If you want to test animations between other NPCs/creatures, or do animations that require more than 2 characters, I use the mod "Random Sex".

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Plese someone tell me How can I play any Animation inside the game, How to start them


You can test/play animations through SexLabFramework pretty easily if you want to test animations between yourself and a target character/NPC (2 character animations). If you have the mods installed already:


1. Register Zaz Animations with SexLab

(While in game) Esc Key -> Mod Configuration -> Zaz Animation Pack -> SexLab -> Click "SexLab Animations: Register"


2. Get SexLabTarget:

Center a character/NPC in your in-game Crosshair, then hit N key.

If you did this correctly, in top right corner it will say:

"SexLabTarget Selected: <character/NPC Name>"


3. Select Animation to Test

Esc Key -> Mod Configuration -> SexLab -> Animation Editor -> Click the "Animation" drop-down list (will show Animation: Missionary by default) -> Select The Animation you want


4. Play Animation

Esc Key -> Mod Configuration -> SexLab -> Animation Editor -> Click "Play Animation Click Here"


Default Animation Hotkeys (Esc Key -> Mod Configuration -> SexLab -> Player Hotkeys)

End: Stops the current animation

Space Bar: Makes animation go to the next stage


If you want to test animations between other NPCs/creatures, or do animations that require more than 2 characters, I use the mod "Random Sex".



Thank you very much my dear :)


I was lost in the dark

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