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placing objects in rooms and occlusion (i think)


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so i made a book, and then i tried to place the book on one of the various tables and desks in farengar's office in dragonsreach. no matter were i place this book, if you are standing (or more, the camera view is) outside of his little office area, you can see the book sitting there just fine, but then when you get close to it (the camera enters the little office area) it vanishes.


i've seen it suggested to tick the "is full lod" checkbox, but that checkbox is not being saved by the object at all. when you tick it, save the mod, and reopen the edit dialog its still off - and ticking it doesn't even cause creation kit to place a * in the title bar showing changes have been made. (ticking other boxes like the respawn box, works)


i am sure it is something to do with the way i am placing it, that its somehow getting stuck in the wrong occlusion portal... or something. but i've come up blank. it doesn't matter where in his office/nook i place it at all. these screenshots are just where i first wanted to put the book. 


interesting note, the table/chairs in that screenshot flicker at the exact same point you enter the room, but they are still visible after. unlike my book.









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