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EFF, AFT, UFO, or Something Else?

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I had to do a complete uninstall and reinstall of Skyrim (again but I learned my lesson, I'm using MO this time) and I was about to install  EFF.  Then I remembered that EFF has a small conflict with SOS that (in my experience) makes followers unable to equip custom armor.  This was somewhat annoying, but I kept with it because I already had EFF installed and didn't want to go through the hassle of uninstalling it and finding something new.


Now with a fresh install, I have the perfect chance to switch to a different follower overhaul, and I'd appreciate hearing the opinions of my favorite modding community.  I'm aware of AFT and UFO and I'll be taking a good look at both of them, but I find it's best to hear what others have to say before I take a leap.


What I want from a follower overhaul:  multi-follower support; the ability to tell my followers to relax/hang out in whatever place I happen to be (not just stand in one spot); the ability to easily see my followers stats/perks/spells; compatibility with mods like Vilja and Inigo (a patch that makes them compatible if fine).  Those four things are all I need, anything else is just gravy.


Any recommendations, advice, or horror stories to share?

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I used EFF for a long time because of limited script loads, but like you, I no longer use it due to incompatability issues.


I tested both UFO and AFT.


UFO adds NPC's that I did not want, and due to my set up and mod load, did not work as well as I hoped. It allows a huge bunch of followers, but seems to only allow one set of armor/clothes to be assigned per follower (at least I didn't find how to do more than one). But It does most of what you want to do ...


AFT is the best in my opinion.  It only affects followers, I have not found any "hidden" additions to the game, and it allows a useful range of clothing and armor, allows leveling up your followers to keep up with your characters skills, and more.  A bit heavy on scripting, but I have had no problems with it so far.


Hope this helps



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