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Is it possible to have body warpaints that glow when a spell is used?

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Having just made a magic-based character I thought it would be cool to have some arcane-looking body tattoos. But I thought what would be even cooler is if these body tattoos could glow when a spell is being prepared or used, as if they have some sort of arcane properties. Is this possible to do, or even better - are there any mods that do something similiar to this?

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It wouldnt be tooooo hard, but you would need a 'armor' that was the tattoo and another that was the glow version, and possibly a diff color for each type of glow, then after that it just becomes a scripting issue to swap the armors. There is probably another way to do it but that would most likely be the easiest, I know nifs can have diff states, Like some of the breakable stuff and you could just use one tattoo with diff states triggered by a script as well, that would probably be easiest


But chances are if you ar asking here it will never get done as you don't have the knowledge and if someone had the knowledge and wanted to do it it would already be done :P

Thats them logic checks for ya

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It can be done now, since this tool was released, but it would still require a deep knowledge of NifSkope animation controller sequences, as well as animation creation itself. In addition, I don't know whether or not you'd be able to actually make it truly "glow". You could easily change colors, but a glow map may be something that needs to be on all the time and can't be tied into a specific animation state. I'm having trouble thinking of an animated .nif in Skyrim that ONLY "glows" in one of its' animation states. Odds are if there isn't a vanilla one, then it can't be done.

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It wouldnt be tooooo hard, but you would need a 'armor' that was the tattoo and another that was the glow version, and possibly a diff color for each type of glow, then after that it just becomes a scripting issue to swap the armors. There is probably another way to do it but that would most likely be the easiest, I know nifs can have diff states, Like some of the breakable stuff and you could just use one tattoo with diff states triggered by a script as well, that would probably be easiest


But chances are if you ar asking here it will never get done as you don't have the knowledge and if someone had the knowledge and wanted to do it it would already be done :P

Thats them logic checks for ya

Reminds me of the BU Armors.

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This is an idea that I've sort of wanted for a while. I know that, with Racemenu, you can make tattoos glow, but that will have them glow all the time. The best solution I've come up with is to add the tattoos to the character's skin specular texture. It won't exactly glow, but it will sort of shine when light reflects off of it, such as when casting a spell. The downsides are that it does depend on the viewing angle, and light sources other than your spells will cause the tattoo to shine as well. The tattoo will be completely invisible when the light is not reflecting off of it, unless you also add the tattoo to the character's diffuse texture or add it through the race menu.


Here's an example of such an effect in use on my character's chest and lower abdomen (also, I do have the tattoos added to the diffuse texture as well, very transparent though) (image is mildly nsfw) (click the image for larger version)





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