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Adult website payment gateway? Any


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I'm playing a game www.sexgangsters.com


To make events happen faster I need to buy  5$ or 10$ worth packs of money.


It requires credit card account. Unfortunately I live in a not so free country where the history of my credit card may be used against me.


I wonder if anyone knows a way with which I can pay the money without adding the "adult website" history on my credit card.


Or if any of you are kind enough to register with your credit card, I could send the money back to you by paypal + I would send still more money for you to pay for your own gold packs.


Please help me somehow.

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Just buy a pre-paid debit or visa gift card and use it.

agree and sure you'er of age? at any rate ill just be kind watch things play out (there are few people who would be so stupid to ask such a question other then some underage kid, two that come to mind is a disabled person(not all but some) or some one who dose not have means to get such things like pre-paid debit (funny i know))

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Truth be told, I just found out that prepaid cards exist. As I've said, I don't live in the U.S.


I'm now researching about the subject. I just registered at entropay.com but it seems the virtual visa card they gave me doesn't work with sexgangsters.com

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Truth be told, I just found out that prepaid cards exist. As I've said, I don't live in the U.S.


I'm now researching about the subject. I just registered at entropay.com but it seems the virtual visa card they gave me doesn't work with sexgangsters.com

some banks are like that more so in the states or so i have heard, in that they will not allow you buy certain things (porn being a big one but others have decline more innocent things) going by the name along it likely a us or uk virtual visa site so you going have look around, that or you haven't loaded with money so...

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