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Annoying Green Circles And Black Smoke

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Good Day Everyone,


I was playing Skyrim as usual until one fine day green circles with black smoke starts to flicker as shown in the pictures.

I have tried uninstalling RealVision ENB and Climates of Tamriel. However, that does not seems to solve the problem.


Tried googling and searching the forums but it seems that no one has encounter this before.


Does anyone know the solution in solving this problem ? 

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There's a good chance the aura you have around your character is caused by a bug which left a spell visual effect around your character and not your ENB or a mod. I'm not sure which effect it is but it sounds familiar. Try checking out this thread and going through some of the solutions offered there. There's a good chance your problem is one of them. 




If worse comes to worst you can always download the Directors Tools mod and use it to manually turn off effects. That's what I had to do recently when my character turned partially transparent due to messed up shaders. They discuss the mod in the thread I linked above. If none of the regular console solutions work you can check out the basic directions they gave here.


Hope you're able to fix the problem quickly. I know how annoying they can be.

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