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Screwed up skyrim.

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Well basically I get various problems like, not being able to sneak, mcm menu's not loading, ctds with animations, ctd's on startup all kinds of shit, and I thought it was maybe script problems and so save game related, but no, I loaded a new game, and it happens with that too, I don't know if I should reinstall all my mods or just continue :/ here is my paypurus : 


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We have a tech support section for this kind of stuff.


But besides that, might want to post your load order at least. A papyrus log really doesn't tell us much without a load order of your mods.



Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp








Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm



Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm






Devious Devices - Assets.esm

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

Havok Breast Physic.esm

Devious Devices - Integration.esm





Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp




AOS_DGDB Patch.esp



Seasons of Skyrim Project.esp

Auto Unequip Ammo.esp



Dual Sheath Redux.esp

Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Somber ENB.esp



Pupetteer Master.esp





Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp

Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp

Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp








Customizable Camera.esp


Ancient Skyforge Armor.esp


BFPU Orcish Armor.esp








Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp

Devious Devices - For the Masses II.esp


Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp







I Love Cleavage 7B.esp

Immersive Weapons.esp

Insanity's Shields.esp


LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp






Northborn Fur Hoods.esp

Nouserhere Ears.esp

Osare Underwear.esp




Sexy Armor Replacer Patch.esp


UNPB Barbarian Armor.esp

Veteran Nord Plate.esp





HDT Havok Object.esp













Unique Uniques.esp



Captured Dreams.esp

Devious Deviants.esp

My Home Is Your Home.esp

The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp


Book Covers Skyrim.esp

Book Covers Dawnguard.esp

Book Covers Hearthfire.esp

Book Covers Dragonborn.esp

Civil War Overhaul.esp





Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp



Khajiit Merchants Buy Stolen Items.esp

Proper Aiming.esp

Rebirth Monster.esp

Convenient Horses.esp


SoSP Summer Edition.esp

Unique Grasses.esp


ELE-Interior Lighting.esp

ELE DG-Interior Lighting.esp

ELE HF-Interior Lighting.esp

ELE DB-Interior Lighting.esp



AOS_CoT 3.1 compatibility patch.esp









DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp

Better Vampires.esp



Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp


Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp



Dodge Mod.esp


The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp

Cazy Hairs-by zzjay.esp





RaceMenuOverlayCompilation - UNP.esp


SBF All In One + DLC.esp






Height Adjusted Races with True Giants.esp

CharGen Morphs.esp

CharGen ECE Morphs.esp


TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp


RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp

RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp

RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp

RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp

RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp

AOS_RWT Patch.esp

SoSP Summer Edition - CoT Patch.esp

Pre Automatic Variants IC Patch.esp


Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp

Pre ReProccer UU IW IA Patch.esp




qotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + IA Patch.esp

qotsafans LeveledLists BDYEB IW IA Patch.esp

qotsafans Books + Book Covers Skyrim HF Patch.esp

qotsafans Ingestibles HF Patch.esp

qotsafans Bucklers-Complete ReProccer Patch.esp





Natural Lighting and Atmospherics.esp

FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp

About horses 1.5.esp

Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp




SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp

SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp





Apocalypse - SkyRe Compatibility Patch.esp


Havok Breast Physic.esp

Havok Breast Physic Dawnguard.esp

Havok Breast Physic Dragonborn.esp

DD FtM - Cloaks patch.esp








SexLab Sound FX Replacer.esp

Duel - Combat Realism.esp




that help?

Link to comment

Wow. Your load order is a mess. Do you use BOSS at all? Sorry if that sounds mean, but your load order is not at all in order.


As well, you have installed addons to mods that don't need to be installed. For instance, Realistic Water Two. You have all the addons, yet you have the Legendary installed. You don't need all those addons when you have Legendary installed. Just the regular Realistic Water Two and the Legendary only. You also have a bunch of outdated stuff that could be causing a ton of issues. Definitely need to update your mods. You have a lot of conflicting mods as well.


Overall, I can see why you are having so many issues. Have you cleaned your mods yet? I can tell you haven't sorted them yet. Have you checked for incompatibilities or missing masters?

Link to comment

Wow. Your load order is a mess. Do you use BOSS at all? Sorry if that sounds mean, but your load order is not at all in order.


As well, you have installed addons to mods that don't need to be installed. For instance, Realistic Water Two. You have all the addons, yet you have the Legendary installed. You don't need all those addons when you have Legendary installed. Just the regular Realistic Water Two and the Legendary only. You also have a bunch of outdated stuff that could be causing a ton of issues. Definitely need to update your mods. You have a lot of conflicting mods as well.


Overall, I can see why you are having so many issues. Have you cleaned your mods yet? I can tell you haven't sorted them yet. Have you checked for incompatibilities or missing masters?


Yup, cleaned my mods ages ago, as for RWT, didn't realise I did that sorry, and yeah I run boss all the time but it keeps coming up with a warning saying that there's no master list or somthing, but before I can read it or search exactly what it says, it runs as normal and goes to the log in the browser....

Link to comment

Gotta have patience. We don't have 24/7 tech support here. Everyone is a player just like you. ;)


On the subject of BOSS, are you using this version? https://github.com/boss-developers/boss/releases/tag/v2.2.0


I personally use the installer cause it's just easier. The masterlist works fine for it. Hasn't given me any trouble. You by chance using MO? Or are you using NMM?



If you haven't used that version of BOSS, go ahead and install it and run it and then post the BOSS load order here, along with the unrecognized stuff and I'll do what I can to help you get it sorted. Though I am no wizard at load orders. I just know the basics.


On a side note, can your system handle all of the mods you are throwing at it? As well, you can't use a bunch of script mods. That is instant corruption there. Skyrim can only handle so many script mods before it starts wonking out. Gotta keep those to just a few at best to avoid issues.


And are you uninstalling/installing mods on an already ongoing save? That could be another issue too. Saves hardcode your mods into them, so if you are removing a lot of mods while you are playing a save, and keep installing and uninstalling mods with that same save game, it is going to fall apart. When it comes to troubleshooting, it is best to have a fresh new save (new game) to test on. This way you can find out if it is just a bad save, or the game as a whole.

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I recommend you to use Mod Organizer if you're not using it already and re install skyrim if you have changed stuff there ( aka manually installed mods)


after that get BOSS running with Mod Organizer and get that load order optimized. also check the BOSS log on your browser for mods that need cleaning or any warnings and report them here.


Also you HAVE to check those mods that probably are not necessary like having every single patch there is on nexus or optional file.

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I suggest go watch some tutorials how to install as spyder already said its a mess.


Whats your PC specs and OS?


Just clean at least the unreconized mods with TES5EDIT.


Have background programs running or OC your system?


Do you USE SKSE 1.6 OR 1.7 THIS VERY IMPORTEND for memory patch(less crash)


Some times you have manually put some mods in lower loadorder.


To many scripts nomatter how poerfull your system is will crash.


Also many patches not needed read the readme's better.


I suggest start over and carefully install mods in the right loadorder.


Good luck.



Link to comment

In reply to everyone that's posted, thanks, here's my answer. Yes I installed the new boss and sorted my load order yesterday, but as I said a lot of them are not included in the masterlist, as for cleaning mods, my mods have been cleaned for ages now and I make sure to check for dirty mods whenever they are installed. As for Sheson's Memory Patch, installed that ages ago as well, latest SKSE installed as well. PC specs are as follows (copied from my steam page) :

+ -- PC SPECS! -- +

# Case / Corsair Vengeance C70 Gunmetal Black
# Motherboard / MSI G-45 Gaming Motherboard
# Memory / Corsair Vengeance 16GB (4X4GB) DDR3
# GPU / MSI GTX 770 2GB
# CPU / i7-4770K
# CPU Cooler / Corsair H60 Watercooled
# PSU / Corsair CS650M
# HDD / 2TB
# SSD / Kingston HyperX 3K 240GB
# Optical Drive / LG Blu-Ray/CD/DVD Rewriter
# Monitors / 2 X Acer 24 Inch
# Keyboard / Microsoft Sidewinder
# Mouse / Corsair M65
# Mouse Mat / Steel Series Gaming Mouse mat
# Headphones / Sennheiser PC323D Surround Sound
# OS / Windows 8.1


As for patches, I only installed the needed patches as to stop mod conflitcs, the RWT ledgendary was a mistake, and I have found no others. I don't really have many scripted mods installed, never removed any from my save. I do remove the occasional mods, but the only ones I have have either not been activated in the save via MCM, or are armor mods, and I don't see how armor mods could cause many problems. No backround programs are running whilst playing except steam (ofc). Already checked boss, and do everytime I install a mod, all mods are clean, except one that is not supposed to, as for warnings one warning occured, and I had taken action on that a while ago. As for throwing alot of mods at the game, most of them are really small mods that don't affect much.

As for my opinion, I'm thinking it's sexlab :/ not really sure why but the last time I did a skyrim playthrough, I installed sexlab and slowly my save and game died, this time I'm using more sexlab mods and so I rekon this could be the problem, I have looked through the faq and made sure I installed it correctly and I cannot see why it is happening. What also backs up this, is that when I start a new game, I get a few of the same problems, which concludes that it's not save game related (removing scripted mods). Maybe trying a new game without sexlab might work, I love sexlab so it would be a shame, so I'm open to ideas. Cheers again,

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Are you using the new SexLab by chance? (1.5+)


Cause it has some problems right now, and shouldn't be used in your main save. More so, shouldn't be used at all right now unless you're troubleshooting the mod for Ashal. Plus none of the addons have updated to the new version, so most of them don't work right now either.



I'm currently running a game without SexLab right now (new game I started recently) and I have come to find that my game runs much smoother without it. I even have better performance without it. As much as I enjoy SexLab myself (Defeat is awesome for extra combat difficulty), I'd rather wait till it is in much better shape before using it again. Don't know what it was about SexLab (new or old version) that slowed my game down, but without it, things run much better. So give it a try if you want.


Still would like to see your BOSS report though to help out. The one that pops up after BOSS sorts your order, not the one from the plugins/loadorder text file. Just copy paste the text from that BOSS webpage and put them in a spoiler (recognized and unrecognized plugins) so we can try to help you get it sorted.

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Plugin Type Count
Recognised (or sorted by user rules) 229
Unrecognised 36
Inactive 26
All 265
Plugin Message Type Count
Warning 0
Error 1
All 47
Masterlist updated; at revision: 3092018fd.
No change in recognised plugin list since last run.
Note: Latest BOSS thread
Note: Your SKSE is up-to-date.
Note: It appears you have Fores New Idles in Skyrim installed. Remember to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe every time you have installed or de-installed FNIS, or an FNIS based mod.



SKSE Plugins



SKSE Version:
AHZmoreHUDPlugin.dll Version:
Fuz Ro D'oh.dll Version:
SKSE_Elys_Uncapper.dll Version:



Recognized Plugins



These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action.

Skyrim.esm Active
Update.esm Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
Contains dirty edits: 92 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Version 2.0.0a Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
Dawnguard.esm Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
HearthFires.esm Active
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Version 2.0.3 Active
Dragonborn.esm Active
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Version 2.0.2 Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}
ApachiiHair.esm Version 1.4 Active
ApachiiHairFemales.esm Version 1.3 Active
AzarHair.esm Active
RaceCompatibility.esm Active
Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm Active
ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Version 3.1 Active
hdtHighHeel.esm Active
Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm Active
SexLab.esm Version 1.39 Active
SexLabAroused.esm Active
SGHairPackBase.esm Active
SPIKE.esm Active
ZaZAnimationPack.esm Active
Devious Devices - Assets.esm Version 2.7.0 Active
HighResTexturePack01.esp Active
HighResTexturePack02.esp Active
HighResTexturePack03.esp Active
RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp Active
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Version 1.1.6 Active
Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active
ENB Snow FX.esp Version 1.0
Incompatible with: ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
RevampedExteriorFog.esp Active
AOS.esp Active
Note: See also AOS compatibility patches page on Nexus.
AOS_DGDB Patch.esp Active
ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp Version 3.1 Active
BrighterTorchesBiggerMagelight.esp Active
Remove Interior Fog V2 - Dragonborn.esp Version 2
Remove Interior Fog V2 - Dawnguard.esp Version 2
Remove Interior Fog V2 - Skyrim.esp Version 2
Note: Use Remove Interior Fog V2 - Dawnguard.esp in addition to include Dawnguard locations.
Note: Use Remove Interior Fog V2 - Hearthfire.esp in addition to include Hearthfires locations.
Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp
Dark Dungeons for Dawnguard.esp Version 1.0
Dark Dungeons for Dragonborn.esp Version 1.0
Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp Version 1.08
Incompatible with: Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp
Seasons of Skyrim Project.esp Active
AMatterOfTime.esp Version 2.00 Active
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp Active
BellyachesNewDragonSpecies_FactionlessDragons.esp Active
Contains dirty edits: 118 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active
Dual Sheath Redux.esp Active
Requires: Java Runtime Environment 7 update 17+
Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Somber ENB.esp Active
Note: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.
LoversComfort.esp Active
LoversVictim.esp Active
Pupetteer Master.esp Version 1.6 Active
SexLabMatchMaker.esp Version 5 Active
SexLab_Paycrime.esp Active
SexLabDefeat.esp Active
SignTown_by_YURIL.esp Active
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Version v6.5.2 Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp Version v6.5.2 Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp Active
RaceMenu.esp Active
RaceMenuPlugin.esp Active
Note: RaceMenuPlugin is optional and provides support to alter Height, Breast, Glute and Biceps. If you experience issues with it, disable RaceMenuPlugin.esp and inform the author.
RaceMenuOverlays.esp Active
SkyTweak.esp Active
SkyUI.esp Version 4.1 Active
iHUD.esp Active
LessIntrusiveHUD.esp Version 1.1 Active
Customizable Camera.esp Active
7B_DragonbornArmors.esp Active
Ancient Skyforge Armor.esp Active
BDYEB.esp Version 1.4 Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
BFPU Orcish Armor.esp Active
BloodWitchArmor.esp Active
Bouncy-Bodices-Booties-Belts-Stockings.esp Active
Bucklers-Complete.esp Active
calyps-animal-ears.esp Active
Cloaks.esp Active
1nivWICCloaks.esp Version 2.3 Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Version 2.3 Active
Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp Active
Devious Devices - For the Masses II.esp Active
DragonbornArmorFix.esp Active
Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp Active
FaceMasksOfSkyrim.esp Active
FS_UltimateAssortment.esp Active
GDZZJJDH.esp Active
Hentai_mixed_Armor.esp Active
hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Version 6 Active
Contains dirty edits: 5 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
Huntress.esp Active
I Love Cleavage 7B.esp Active
Immersive Weapons.esp Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
Insanity's Shields.esp Version 1.1 Active
LeftHandRings.esp Version 1.4 Active
LeftHandRings - Dawnguard.esp Version 1.4 Active
MashupUNP.esp Active
NiaOutfitBBP.esp Active
nightshade_armor_UNPB.esp Active
nightshade_armor.esp Active
Nocturnal.esp Active
Northborn Fur Hoods.esp Active
Nouserhere Ears.esp Active
Osare Underwear.esp Active
RegentSword.esp Active
RegnPiercings.esp Active
SeraphineHuntedArmor.esp Active
Note: Be sure you have the correct body mod for the esp. DIMONIZED UNP or CBBE.
Sexy Armor Replacer Patch.esp Active
sword_yamato.esp Active
UNPB Barbarian Armor.esp Active
Requires: UNPB
Veteran Nord Plate.esp Active
WestWindAssault.esp Active
XAC.esp Active
Note: This is the SkyRe compatible version.
zz_GDRAHoods.esp Active
Dr_Bandolier.esp Active
HDT Havok Object.esp Active
LC_immersiveLoot.esp Active
HarvestOverhaul.esp Version 2.8.2 Active
HarvestOverhaulCreatures.esp Version 2.8.2 Active
DeadlyDragons.esp Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
DeadlyDragonsArmory.esp Active
SkyRe_Main.esp Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}
Note: To make aiming easier add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:
Note: [Actor]
Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000
Note: [Combat]
Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64
Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64
Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0
Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0
SkyRe_Combat.esp Active
SkyRe_CraftingFix.esp Active
SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp Active
SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
SkyRe_Survivalism.esp Active
SkyRe_HelmlessPerks.esp Active
Unique Uniques.esp Version 1.5 Active
breezehome estate.esp
Breezehome_Fully_Upgradable.esp Active
buildablehouse.esp Active
Captured Dreams.esp Active
Devious Deviants.esp Active
My Home Is Your Home.esp Version 1.21 Active
The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp Version 1.2.5 Active
AchieveThat.esp Version 3.2.1 Active
Book Covers Skyrim.esp Active
Book Covers Dawnguard.esp Active
Book Covers Hearthfire.esp Active
Book Covers Dragonborn.esp Active
Civil War Overhaul.esp Active
Dawnbreaker_PeacefulExplosion.esp Active
DynamicMerchants.esp Active
FireAndIceOverhaul.esp Active
Grass_On_Steroids_SFO.esp Active
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Active
Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
HelmetToggle2.02b.esp Active
ImmersiveFP.esp Active
Khajiit Merchants Buy Stolen Items.esp Active
Proper Aiming.esp Active
Rebirth Monster.esp Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
Convenient Horses.esp Version 14950 Active
Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
xazPrisonOverhaul.esp Active
Contains dirty edits: 12 ITM, 2 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.
SoSP Summer Edition.esp Version 2.0 Active
Unique Grasses.esp Active
MHYH_RentRoomFollower.esp Version 1.01 Active
ELE-Interior Lighting.esp Active
ELE DG-Interior Lighting.esp Active
ELE HF-Interior Lighting.esp Active
ELE DB-Interior Lighting.esp Active
ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp Version 3.1 Active
ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp Version 3.1 Active
AOS_CoT 3.1 compatibility patch.esp Active
ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp Version 3.1- Active
Incompatible with: Realistic Lighting Overhaul
ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp Version 3.1- Active
Incompatible with: Realistic Lighting Overhaul
ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-4.esp Version 3.1 Active
RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}
RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp Active
RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp Active
RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp Active
RND_USKP-Patch.esp Active
Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}
DVA - Dynamic Vampire Appearance.esp Active
Better Vampires.esp Active
Contains dirty edits: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function.
BloodthirstVampireFeeding.esp Active
Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp Active
Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp Active
ShowRaceMenuAlternative.esp Active
Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp Active
NoSneakAttackSound.esp Active
Duel - Combat Realism.esp Active
CombatDramaOverhaul.esp Active
Dodge Mod.esp Active
DragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.esp Active
The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp Version 1.8 Active
Cazy Hairs-by zzjay.esp Active
SGEyebrows.esp Active
SGHairPackAIO.esp Active
TheEyesOfBeauty.esp Version 9 Active
BHWarPaints.esp Active
RaceMenuOverlayCompilation - UNP.esp Active
TemptressVixen.esp Active
SBF All In One + DLC.esp Active
AuroraFollower.esp Active
BTRH_Tomoe.esp Active
CerwidenCompanion.esp Active
moveitLWT.esp Active
AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp Active
Height Adjusted Races with True Giants.esp Version 6 Active
Note: Use only one Height Adjusted Races*.esp.
CharGen Morphs.esp Active
CharGen ECE Morphs.esp Active
Extra Scars.esp
SkyRe_Races.esp Active
TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp Active
RealisticWaterTwo.esp Version 1.11 Active
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp Active
RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp Active
RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp Active
RealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp
AOS_RWT Patch.esp Active
SoSP Summer Edition - CoT Patch.esp Active
Pre Automatic Variants IC Patch.esp Active
PreASISPatchIW.esp Active
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp Active
Pre ReProccer UU IW IA Patch.esp Active
ReProccer.esp Active
Error: Deactivate. Already included in Qotsafan's Reproccer patches.
ReProccerDragonborn.esp Active
qotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer + IA Patch.esp Active
qotsafans LeveledLists BDYEB IW IA Patch.esp Active
qotsafans Books + Book Covers Skyrim HF Patch.esp Active
qotsafans Ingestibles HF Patch.esp Active
qotsafans Bucklers-Complete ReProccer Patch.esp Active



Unrecognized Plugins



The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually, using your favourite mod manager or by using BOSS's user rules functionality. You can submit unrecognised plugins for addition to the masterlist directly from this log by clicking on a plugin and supplying a link and/or description of its contents in the panel that is displayed.

Havok Breast Physic.esm Active
Devious Devices - Integration.esm Active
AradiaKatoArmor.esp Active
AncientTonguesSword.esp Active
AHZmoreHUD.esp Version 1.0.0 Active
Aeon Enb - Natural Project.esp
LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp Active
Natural Lighting and Atmospherics.esp
FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp Active
Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp Version v1 Active
DragonboneBarbarianArmor.esp Active
Tamaria.esp Active
HarvestOverhaulCreatures_RND_Animal_Loot_All_DLC.esp Active
SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp Version 3.0.esp Active
SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp Active
Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp Active
RND_AnimalLoot.esp Active
FreckleMania.esp Active
KonnektorDragonborn.esp Active
Apocalypse - SkyRe Compatibility Patch.esp Active
SkyrimHighDefinitionLODs.esp Active
Havok Breast Physic.esp Active
Havok Breast Physic Dawnguard.esp Active
Havok Breast Physic Dragonborn.esp Active
DD FtM - Cloaks patch.esp Active
BTRH_Camilla.esp Active
BTRH_Iona.esp Active
BTRH_Jordis.esp Active
BTRH_Lydia.esp Active
BTRH_Muiri.esp Active
BTRH_Serana.esp Active
QuiverSwitch.esp Active
SexLab Sound FX Replacer.esp Active


Link to comment

Note : 


hothtrooper44armorcompilation.esp , I recently reinstalled the patch for it and Skyre, so that's why it's dirty, as for extra dragons esp, I remember the mod author saying somthing about not cleaning it as it needs the dirty edits, ReProccerNONPlayerfix.esp has already been deactivated, not sure why boss still tells me to deactivate it.


Link to comment

Still got some dirty edits in there (haven't cleaned Update.esm yet?), along with stuff you don't need and stuff you are missing.


Not seeing "Remove Interior Fog V2 - Dawnguard.esp" or "Remove Interior Fog V2 - Hearthfire.esp" in there, though it is saying to use them. Notice you still have all those Realistic Water Two addons, when you only need Legendary and the base one to take care of all of that. Will definitely free up some space. You can merge a bunch of those armors to make more space as well. Dual Sheath Redux Patch should always be at the bottom of your load order as it makes everything a master (recognized mods).


You are over the mod limit, so naturally, you're going to have problems. And you havea bunch of script heavy mods as well that are likely causing some issues. Small script mods are fine, but when you bring out the big script mods, best to keep those to one or two. Don't go overboard on those as they will cause issues everywhere if you get too many. All that SexLab stuff is considered a big script mod for example.


Don't really need all that havok breast physics stuff, as there is an easier way to set all that up without all the esm's and esp's. Check out this guide to get it setup right and you can get rid of all those mods.


Still got some outdated mods, like Book Covers for instance. The newest version uses a single esp now instead of all those bunches of esps. You should merge your armor replacer esps as they are going to fight over who gets control over boots and such. Just easier to merge them together and have one Merged Armor Replacer esp. You can't use Further Dark Dungeons with the regular Dark Dungeons, they are incompatible together. One or the other. You have a few mods that Seasons of Skyrim conflicts with (grass on steroids for example). Gotta clean those up as well.



Overall, you should be having issues with all those mods lol. A lot of script heavy stuff, missing mods, stuff you don't need, conflicting mods, over the mod limit, etc etc etc. Gotta clean all that up first before you will start seeing any results.

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Ah my mistake. Didn't realize they were disabled. Wasn't paying attention. Should probably clean them out of there then so you don't have any loose parts affecting your game still.


Merging is really easy, as long as you do it right. Avoid merging script mods and such though. Mostly armor mods, weapon mods, some house/environment mods (as long as they don't have scripts) merge just fine together.


That same program you use to clean your mods, is what you can use to merge your plugins. Tes5edit. You'll of course need the Merge Plugins script as well to merge your mods. There is a tutorial on that page too that explains how to use it, and what is safe for merging. Also check the forum section too, as it has a list of mods as well that people have merged successfully so you can get an idea of what is safe to merge and what isn't.

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Is this on a new game or an old game? And have you ran all your mods through Tes5Edit yet? It will inform you of any missing masters. Plus if you removed anything, don't forget to run Dual Sheath Redux patcher again as it probably has references to stuff that is no longer there (or any SkyProc patcher for that matter that you have).

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